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P. 559

dispose  the  Spirit  to  remember,  in  analogous  form  to  the  attitude  assumed  by  the
               consciousness when it «searches» for a memory.

                      In this case it is not about to adopt a contemplative posture, of a «mind in blank», but of
               a dynamic action, that «searches» without «ask».

                      The  wisdom  to  comprehend  this  lies  in  to  accept  the  fact  that  the  consciousness  is
               «swiveling», «addresable» towards zones of the mind.

                      When we desire to remember something, the reason can interrogate or not, but the
               memory comes relentlessly. For example: What tie did I use in the party of John Smith? And
               the answer comes automatically –the green tie–. But let’s be honest. Is this a real «answer»? or
               when we wanted to know what which tie was we disposed the mind to «search» the memory of
               the party of John Smith and this memory appeared in the consciousness as an image that was
               promptly translated by the reason in form of proposition: the green tie.

                      Because if instead of asking, we just evoke the memory of the used tie, this will «appear»
               without being necessarily the answer to a question neither a proposition.

                      When I checked this and verified reliably that at «remembering» the consciousness is
               «directed» towards the memory, I disposed analogously my Spirit to «talk» to the Voice.

                      At the beginning I had no success, mainly because the reason interfered with doubts and
               scepticism, but when I focused well and I could recreate in the mind the fugacious moments in
               which the Voice interrupted, the I started to progress. The Voice had appeared and disappeared
               in an instant, with a higher velocity than the faster of thoughts, at the point that, sometimes, I
               not distinguished clearly the words.

                      For this reason I had to reach a high level of concentration, and evoke the remembrance,
               just evoke, not interrogate, dispose the consciousness to befall the remembrance and remain in
               complete  spiritual  immobility.  Who  understands  this  will  comprehend  that  it  was  not  a
               contemplative attitude but an energic attitude (of energy), similar to the one of the warrior an
               instant  before  releasing  the  arm  with  the  sword,  full  potential  force.  In  the  contemplation
               there is peace (stillness), in the evocation expectant energy.

                      The employed procedure with success can be explained thus: I recreated in my Spirit the
               moment in which the Voice appeared. I was trying to make this memory as «exact» as possible,
               it means, to transport me psychologically to the climax lived during the experience. The the
               Voice came, the remembrance of the Voice, as fast as I «remembered» that had appeared. But
               then,  utilizing  the  recently  discovered  «orientator»  power  of  the  consciousness,  I  «directed»
               this  «towards»  the  Voice  (I  repeat:  as  who  remembers)  and  thus  I  achieved  to  «extend»

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