Page 557 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 557
The Mediumship as human faculty is presented in «relation to the senses» being an
extension of these that permits to embrace a part of the «Other World». Thus there is an
Auditive Mediumship, a Written Mediumship, etc. Not accepting for it the Spiritist Cosmogony
that affirms, as do the Gnosis, the Alchemy, etc., a triple composition of man: body, Soul (or
perispirit) and Spirit, one can stop to analyse the phenomenons that the spiritits mention,
almost always real.
This was what I did pointlessly on those days in Egypt, going around many Spiritualist
Centres and interviewing me with numerous Mediums.
The disillusion could not be higher because, in the majority of the cases, the Medium
was a person with low intellectual capacity, incapable to explain clearly the nature of the
prodigies realized by him, or on the contrary the Medium was a rascal, too clever to give
explanations and rather pleased to be surrounded of a halo of «mystery».
The conclusion that I extracted from those explorations was resumed that when the
subject was real protagonist of a mediumistic phenomenon could not exert any control over it,
being in the generality of the cases a «silly». The Writer Medium was not conscious about what
he was writing, abject situation which notwithstanding filled with joy to the witnesses who
affirmed that it constituted the «proof» of the veracity of the prodigy. The same could be said
about the other types of Mediumship.
The Talking Medium, totally «possessed» by the Spirit or «disembodied entity» –
according to the spiritist jargon– he spoke, laughed, bellowed, or contorted before the
contemplative ecstasy of the acolytes, as ignorants as insensates. And the Hearer Medium, who
awakened my particular interest, heard, but not one but a concert of voices. And these invaded
him in every moment, ordaining, demanding or begging determined actions, many times
dishonourable or coarse. Something depressing that had nothing in common with my superior
Convinced that for that path I would only find fanatic or sick people, I did the most
logical that someone can do in these cases: I started to search for a solution to my problem by
myself, by my own analysis and experience.
Thus, reviewing rigorously the psychic processes that culminated with the apparition of
the Voice, I verified that the key was not in the mental interrogation, in to «ask» to the Voice
this or that. In my confusion, to which the contact and observation of the spiritits not
contributed little, I believed that the Voice responded to proposed questions in my
consciousness during the meditation. Taking arbitrarily this belief for a truth that concluded
that it would be possible to ask consciously to the Voice, i.e., that I would ask and the Voice
would respond: crass mistake… as you will see immediately.