Page 550 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 550
The security, otherwise, is a fundamental psychological attitude to face the proofs of
life. Who faces to the challenge of a test must count with the success beforehand, must be
«sure» to gain and a defeat won’t discourage him as to not try it again. In the previous cases,
neither the hunter stops hunting for missing a shot, nor the student stops studying for failing
in an exam; both overcome and capitalize the experience increasing their objective security,
being more «experts».
Considering these concepts now can be understood my attitude bewfore the
phenomenon of the Voice: concluded that: concluded that «being psychically prepared during
many years in a rigorous intellectual training, the security that disposed the certainty of the
judgements was quite objective». It means that, intellectually, when I was «sure» about a
concept it was «surely» correct. And with such security so objective in the judgments, said me
that the Voice that I heard not came from my unconscious, it doesn’t formed part of my Self, it
was strange to my Spirit or it was, perhaps, another Spirit.
I must outstand that the security that I had to be in the right was accompanied with a
profound analysis in which considered, amongst other things, the fact that the Voice was
capable to emit concepts that I didn’t know in no way. This can have an explanation more or
less psychologic but come concepts were very specific and however the Voice utilized and
structured them with great precision. Ergo, the Voice was «Wise» and this has no real recherche
explanation except if it is accepted what it really is: that the Voice belonged to a psychic entity
stranger to me.
Another element of the phenomenon that I took in consideration for the analysis was
the fact that it had not been spiritually «invaded» by another entity as occurs in the diabolic
possession or in the spiritism, but that to my consciousness reached just the Voice, clear and
energic, without psychosomatic consequences of any kind.
It means that when the phenomenon occurred I didn’t «see», nor «feel», nor «like», nor
«smell» nothing unusual; I just heard the voice and it was, I repat, as if my inner ear would have
The first times that I heard the Voice I was surprised by the unexpected message
emerged in jumps, energic and swiftly, rhythmically fired as a ray. To present a better
understanding of the quality of the phenomenon that happened to me I’ll give some examples.
You are psychiatrist, neffe, and I want, within reason, you to doubt about my sanity
because what occurred must be interpreted with an extension of the capacity to perceive,
before that as a «disease».