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P. 598
That’s to say, that all those who participated in the operation, or of its secret, including
the Führer, were waiting for my Initiation, waiting for the moment in which I’d acquire the
spiritual consciousness of the Key of the Sign to exposse me the mission in Asia. I think that I
had never felt so ashamed as then: Me, the stupid and arrogant apprentice Initiate, had lost
months, precious months, trying to profundize the rationally in the Hyperborean Wisdom of
the Black Order; at last, I went comprehending that I was transiting through a blind alley, that I
was a prey of the trap of the logic, I searched in my Spirit the last Truth of the reason, and that
the rational knowledge, denied me; thus I propitiated the Initiatic Kairos, according to the
affirmation that the Initiates in the Black Order made of it; then I was Initiated and Konrad
Tarstein explained me the character of the mission «First Key», such his encoded
denomination, and he described me the faculty that I should employ to «close the door of
Shambalah», door that Ernst Schaeffer was wanting to open and that perhaps he was opening
in that moment.
Those thoughts, and this possibility, anguished me extremely, and would the truth if I
affirmed that even those four days to leave were interminably long.
The first step was by plane. We’d fly to Tanzania in the eastern coast of Africa, doing
scale in many African countries or in the colonies of the allies of Germany, as Spain and Italy.
In Tanzania, in the region of what was until the Frist World War or the State of
Zanzibar, we’d hurl ourselves in parachute over the farm of an ancient family of German
colonists who worked for the Secret Service. Such route should be followed because the mission
was qualified as «top secret operation of the Waffen » and because the flight was effectuated
in a military plain specially adapted for the case: it was a Dornier, or «flying pencil», which its
classic bomb charge had been replaced by supplementary fuel tanks.
In Tanzania, then, we descended without problems as we as the charge of weapons and
equipments. The colonists were waiting for us there since a long time ago and they had
acquired a shipload of cotton threads for us, in which they hurried to hide the comporomising
objects. One day later, and wearing an attire of indubitable Levantine confection, very
appropriate for the role of the Egyptian merchants that we had to represent, the colonists
guided us to the Isle of Zanzibar in a barge of regular dimensions. In the port was anchored the
Italian vessel Tarento, which participated secretely in the operation and would transport us to
Dacca, in the N.E. of India.
In Zanzibar our identity changed completely. Me, as the two Haupsturmführer, we
would be thenceforth «Egyptian Merchants». Was a risky move, because Egypt was in power of
the English, but our forged passports and stories had few failures and it seemed difficult that