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P. 603
–Even if they were the amphitryons –Karl clarified– they request permission to stay at
our side. I’ve responded them affirmatively, because they are people of absolute trust. Let’s
proceed, then, discussing our affairs.
The monks took seat and von Grossen continued speaking serenely in German. And
during the time that the conversation lasted, I could realize with displeasure that they didn’t
remove their eyes from me, as if something in my aspect attracted irresistibly their attention
and would have hypnotized them.
–As I was saying –explained von Grossen– these monks constitute a Secret Society
known as «Kâula Cyrcle». Their Wisdom is the Kula, the tantrism of «the left hand», a system of
yoga that permits to transmute and take adventage of the sexual energy, but that requires the
physical participation of the woman. Hence the mixed population that has surprised you, von
Sübermann. The kâulikas are feared in the Tibet because they are considered «Black Magicians»,
but in my opinion the only black that they have is the tunic. It is evident that such qualification
proceeds from their most ardent foes, the members of the White Fraternity, a mysterious
organization that is behind the Buddhism and the other religions, and that is very powerful in
these regions: by opposition and contrast to the «White» Fraternity that the kâulikâs are called
«Black», because they are ascetics of elevated moral. All men and women that you have seen
here are sadhakas vamacharis.
The women and men Initiated in the Path of Kula realize periodically a Ritual
denominated «of the Five Challenges», in which they practiced the «five forbidden acts to the
Masters of the Kâlachakra», what explains why they are hated by Gurues of
Shambalah.Vulgarly, the secret Ritual is also known as «Pakamakâra» or «of the five Ms»,
because with this letter start the name of the five «forbidden things»: madya, wine; mâmsa,
meat; matsya, fish; mudra, cereals; maithuna, sex. According to their Buddhist foes, by the
practice of this Ritual the kâulikas are situated in the vâmo mârga, or «Left Hand Path», the
path of the Kshatriyas, that guides to the War and not to the Peace, to Agartha and not
Shambalah, to the absolute unification of Oneself and not to the nirvanic annihilation of the
Self identified with The One Parabrahman. The truth is that by means of these secret
techniques of the sexual Tantra, the kâulikas develops an incredible power over the animal
nature of the human body and even, they obtain the spiritual liberation.
From the primitive Taoism has remained a little, althought formally, to avoid
persecutions, the monks define themselves as «Taoist», Religion more accepted by the Buddhist
and Hindu Princes of the neighboor countries. But in the shastras of Lao-Tze that are
conserved in the Monastery the word «Tao» has been substituted by «Vrune», that is, for
Shakti, the Eternal and Infinite Spirit of man. Don’t forget, von Sübermann, that here we are