Page 606 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 606

On our part, we must leave as soon as possible because the Winter is coming and soon
               the steps of the Himalayas will become glaciers. However, once in the Tibet, we’ll move away
               from the commercial route taken by Schaeffer and advance the working day until reach him.

               Chapter XXII

                      Karl  von  Grossen  had  everything  prepared  to  leave  immediately  at  our  arrival.
               Nevertheless, despite the efforts, the march could  not be initiated until two days later. The
               next  day  to  our  arrival  I  spent,  then,  entertained  walking  around  the  Monastery  and
               examinating the wonderful sculptural work of the Pagoda. There a likeable event occurred to
               me that, surprisingly, affected you, neffe Arturo, more than forty years later…

                      At  entering  in  the  ship  of  the  cyclopean  carved  stone,  I  was  surrounded  by  an
               improvised group of kâulikas monks. Up tp that moment they had been intonating a a mantram
               in front to a giant statue of Shiva dancing over the Dragon Yah: when they noticed my presence
               they went silencing little by little their bijas and then, just as the Arabs who kidnapped me in
               Cairo, they went precipitated as enchanted next to me. But then I was warned because I had
               passed long years in the Ordensburg and in the Black Order under the instruction of Konrad
               Tarstein to ignore what happened to those Initiates. Was the Sign of the Origin, the invisible
               Sign for me that in the kâulikas caused the charismatic effect to elevate them spiritually to the
               Origin of Oneself: for that motive they wanted to be near to me, contemplate me, sustain the
               perception of the Uncreated. That’s was all what they wanted and for this reason I remained
               immutable  in  the  site,  while  those  Initiated  were  absent  from  the  reality  of  the  World  and
               acceced to the Reality of the Spirit.

                      There we remained for a while, in absolute silence: a new court of statues for such gelid
               pantheon. I comprehended their idiom and I had tried to speak with them, but was worthless
               because in their mystical state they considered almost a sacrilege speak to me. After a prudent
               time I  started to think  in the  form to  escape from  them, when I realized that was coming,
               unusually smiling, the Guru Visaraga. All the monks stepped aside and he, taking me by the left
               arm, took me out from that difficult situation. He guided me slowly to the courtyard, followed
               at a regular distance by the hallucinative monks.

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