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P. 610
«forbidden things»: five types of meat, even human; five fishes; five cereals; five wines; and five
substances related to sex, as urine, semen, blood, faeces, and medulla.
I drank it with evident distrust and the Guru Visaraga, perhaps to reassure me, exented
his explanation a little:
–There are many classes of Kilkor: of Death, of Liberation, of Enchantment, of Power,
and so forth. And all require the mastery in the Mantram Yoga and the perfection in the
pronunciation of the magic formulas that vivify them. For this reason there are three grades
or forms to affirm the words of power or bijas: the japa vâchika, that consist to scream the
bijas, as acoustic orders, at the manner of military «command voices»; this is the lowest of
the japas nas the one that the uses to dominate the mastiffs; the japa upâmshu, that
demands to express the bijas without screaming nor talking, as astral orders; and at last, the
most elevated of the japas is the manasâ, wich effect is not casual but synchronistic, that’s to
say, that makes coincide charismatically the bijas with the fact that is desired to affect, as
uncreated orders. As the sticks of the I-Ching forms an uncreated meaning that reveals or
discover the designs of the Gods, an unwanted meaning by the Gods, a meaning that was not
in the destiny, a meaning that emerges by non-causal coincidence between the Unknown
Superior and the Known Inferior, a meaning booted by the Magician Men to the Traitor Gods,
in the same mode the japa manasâ acts by the mere determination of the Initiates, of those who
are beyond the Kula and Akula.
You must know, O Shivatulku, that only the great Initiates are capable to acquire
mastery in the japa upâmshu, of the second level. They are who possess the power of tulpa, or
mudratulpa, the capacity to concede reality to the ordered ideas and make them appear in the
World: with the adequate Kilkor and the correct japa upâmshu, it is possible to make appear
every kind of material objects or to produce boundless pheomenons. Right here, these gods
daiva that you see, are just tulpas created by us to demonstrate your power of Tulku.
–In fact, don’t amazed; we have created the dogos mentally for you to put into practice
the superior japa, the japa manasâ, but only you, O Shivatulku, can govern them with the japas
of the Kilkor svadi. The kâulikâs require a dangerous dîkshâ and they only reach to express the
japa upâmshu, but you, that are a virya, only need that we transmit you the Power
viryayojanâ that permits to «give life» to the mental projections tulpa, the angkur of
the japa manasâ. You are not a kâulika, but you are a tântrika; and you have the power of the
japa manasâ.
Then, he proceeded to suministrate me the key of the 49 bijas that were in the
appropriate sectors of the Kilkor.