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The «magical» control procedure was the next: I had to imagine the grille of the Kilkor
and situate in each square a bija or word of power, and each bija was an order that the dogs
would obey automatically: one bija meant ¡silence!, other ¡move!, other ¡stop!, other ¡attack!,
etc., until complete forty nine.
Notwithstanding my initial scepticism, and for the joy of the monks, I could verify that
the system was ceirtainly ineffable: one I memorized the Yantra, the dogs became an extension
of my own mind and the slightest insinuation of the bijas was enough to make them obey
without hesitate, or, better said, without bark.
As such effect was logically surprising, I could not avoid asking the Guru about the mode
in which the mental control became effective.
–For us is very simple –He clarified–. We have embodied a similar Kilkor to this one in
the subtle body of each dog and we have established an analogic correspondence between each
bija and some vital or driving functions of both animals. If this would be done with just one
animal, of any species, the Guru or the kâulika Initiate could dominate it without obstacles. But,
as I said before, the couple of dogs daivas is different: they participate of a unique dog
Archetype and both are normally balanced; if the mental order is emitted «underneath»
the archetypical Plane, one neutralizes the other and it lacks of effect; only who is
capable to think «above» the archetypal Plane, beyond the Created Archetype by the
Gods of the Matter, about the relative duality of the manifested and the absolute
unity of the unmanifested, can make prevail his will in the action of the dogs daiva.
Never forget it: no Master of the Hierarchy nor anyone whose thought is composed by opposed
principles, could stop the dogs daivas!
Kula and Akula, neffe Aturo, were the great-grandparents of Ying and Yang, the dogos
attacked you when you entered in so furtive manner in the ranch and I took you as an enemy.
Just as their ancestors, they obey to mental orders of the Yantra and both move at the same
time, perfectly synchronized.
Chapter XXIII