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P. 616

persecutors would stop more than usual in some point of the route. But such thing didn’t occur
               and  they  conserved  the  adventage  the  enough  time  as  to  arrive  to  the  Ashram  Jafran,  give
               Oskar Feil, and leave again towards the lake Kuku Noor.

                      According to the relation of the brave Tibetan, Ersnt Schaeffer sent Oskar Feil ahead, to
               explore  the  region  of  the  Ashram  Jafran.  Once  he  left,  was  captured  by  the  duskhas,  who
               confined him in a Temple dedicated to the Cult of Ridgen Jyepo, where he would be sacrificed
               only four days later, in the transition of the waning moon. Oskar was still alive! Unexpectedly
               we disposed now of a precious lapso of time to study the rescue.

                      Naturally that all had been planned by Schaeffer in combination with the duskhas: to
               avoid the compromise to give Oskar openly he made him fall in an infamous trap, he ignored
               such effect, until the moment when he would be betrayed by his Chief. But would not be Oskar
               to whom Ernst Schaeffer pretended to deceit, because he would die anyway, but some German
               officers who evidently were not aware of his plans. The scoundrel assured to himself a brilliant
               alibi, because the same would inform at their return to Germany that «the Kamerad Oskar Feil
               has disappeared in action», in the course of the Operation Altwesten!

                      This was what shortened the stay of the expedition in the Ashram, because Schaeffer
               didn’t  want  to  run  the  risk  that  the  deceived  could  discover  accidentally  that  Oskar  was
               prisoner  of  duskhas.  Precisly,  with  the  complicity  of  the  duskhas,  who  participated
               hyprocritically from the farce, eighteen of his Comrades inspected inch by inch the whole zone
               for two days trying to find him. Apparently, only four officers shared the secret objectives of

                      The  efficacy  of  such  kâulica  to  spy  Schaeffer  was  because  he  was  not  a  mere Tibetan
               carrier, although he acted as such by order of his Gurus, but a South African of Nepalese origin
               who comprehended perfectly English, German, and Dutch. His family, of Gurkha Race, that’s to
               say, Indo-Aryan, deserted during the war of the Boers and took refuge in German territories,
               fleeing finally to  Bhutan after  1918, when Germany  was despoiled from its colonies. As he,
               whose name was Bangi, as his brother Gangi, were entrusted since they were kids at the care of
               the kâulikâs monks, who Initiated them in the Tantra and finally they were separated in Lhasa,
               as  secret  agents  at  the  service  of  the  Dharma  Rajah  of  Bhutan.  There  they  achieved  to  be
               contracted by Schaeffer, who took them for sherpas, without noticing the difference of Race.

                      But they were not the sherpas but two Gurkha warriors who professed a medullary hate
               for  the  English  and  that  were  awaiting  patiently  some  new  Britanic  war  to  enrole  in  the
               contrary side.

                      The spies achieved to hear the exigencies that the traitor propunded to the Lamas of the
               Kurkuma  Bonnet  and  they  heard  how  the  Master  Djual  Khul  intervened  in  their  favour,
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