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P. 617
convening to cross as soon as possible the Door of Shambalah. They become aware about the
existence of «an offering to Ridgen Djapo» propitiated by Ernst Schaeffer and they
comprehended that Oskar Feil had been delivered by means of a stratagem. As his kâulikâs
partners not reached at time to avoid the sacrifice, they would try to find out where was the
prisoner to give him help, something very difficult in such village dwelled by 2.000 duskhas and
500 lamas.
Both brothers started to observe the surroundings of the Monastery with the greatest
caution, presuming aright that the prisoner had been locked in a different site from the one
that the expeditionaries occupied. In fact, they verified that in one of the exterior Temples,
situated over an islet of the lake Kyaring, was locked and escorted by armed guards.
They communicated the novelty to the German spies of the S.D., requesting them
support to discover the manoeuvre and liberate Oskar Feil. The answer of one of them, typical
answer of an occidental secret agent, left the Gurkha breathless:
–«We informed to Germany with months of anticipation the plans that Schaeffer had
for Oskar Feil, and the orders that we received were clear and forthright, as you know well:
‘wait for special reinforcements that will prevent to Ernst Schaeffer the fulfilment of the
Operation Altwesten. Signed: Heydrich, Himmler, Hitler’. It means that there is no indication
in regard to Oskar Feil. We appreciate too much to our Comrade and we feel a lot his luck, but
in similar cases the regulation of the Secret Service avoid to act by own initiative, because it has
been established with absolute precision that the priority of our mission is the Operation
Altwesten. The rescue of Oskar Feil conspires against the discretion that we must maintain
until the end of the Operation Altwesten, Apart of contradicting our express orders and
construct a suicidal action, after which the most probable is that the sacrificed victims of these
wildmen be three instead of one. We, in sum, will do nothing and we resquest you to proceed in
same way, because a lot of travel is missing yet and we need your help to send information
through the Tibet».
The Gurkhas assured for the satisfaction of the that they wouldn’t intervene, but at
discussing the case within them they concluded that the orders of the Germans not reached
them in the same manner than the owes made to Shiva to combat the betrayal and cowardly.
What meant the infraction to a cold bureaucratic regulation before the wrath of Shiva,
who punished the bad warriors avoiding them the access to the Supreme Shakti? Didn’t they
swear to fight unto death against the members of the White Fraternity? Their duties of spies of
the Dharma Rajah, authorized by the Kâula Cyrcle, exempted them from many religious
obligations, but permit the sacrifice of a human victim in holocaust to the chief of the White
Fraternity overpassed all the expectatives. No Siddha could justify such sin and will be surely