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P. 621

demanded, now, the previos liberation of Oskar Feil. Therefore, flaunting a great pragmatism,
               von Grossen accepted the facts without discuss and started to plan the rescue.

                      The five Germans, the eight lopa monks, and the Gurkha monk and I camped in a glen,
               far away from the main path but situated at just five kilometres from the Ashram Jafran. There
               von  Grossen  interrogated  the  Gurkha  for  hours  about  the  details  of  the  enemy  area,
               elaborating at last a plan of operations in which we were all agree. Basically, the Strategy would
               be the next: the rescue would be effectuated in the misdt of a surprise attack.

                      According to the local traditions, the first that man worshipped in that place was the
               islet wher later a Temple consecrated to Rigden Djapo was erected. A popular legend assured
               that in remote Ages, Jagannath, the King of the World, the Hogmin Dordji Chang, had left
               from Shambalah to perambulate the World under his Aspect of Crane. Tells the myth that in
               the beach, which was connected to an isle by a narrow passage of stones, was located a Saint
               called Dusk who, pitied for the exhausted bird, approached to feed her with only thing he had
               at  hand:  a  sack  with  flowers  of  kurkuma.  Pleased,  the  Holy  Lord  decided  to  reward  Dusk
               making  him  father  of  a  people  worshippers  of  the  King  of  the  World  and  giving,  to  all  the
               Initiates  who  would  emerge  from  his  Lineage,  the  custody  of  Door  of  Shambalah,  which
               started precisely in such sacred isle.

                      Another version of the legend, undoubtedly older, affirmed that the Divine Crane had
               loved the lama Dusk and wanted to give him offspring before leaving. The problem was in that
               the  Crane  was  a  male  exemplar,  with  the  same  sex  of  the  lama,  thereby  was  none  possible
               fertilization. Then the Crane of Shambalah, which in this story was fed by the blood of the
               lama,  remembered  that  only  the  coition  with  a  male  snake  Nāga  is  capable  to  achieve  the
               miracle of the procreation between members of the same sex. Always in the islet of the lake
               Kyaring, the Crane activated her Dordje of Power mentally, which was located in the Throne of
               the King of the World, in Chang Shambalah, and transformed the lama in a male snake Nāga.

                      Then they coupled with ardor leaving the Crane Rigden Djapo pregnant of the snake
               Nāga. After such homosexual act, before leaving, the Divine Crane put two saffon eggs.

                      Incubated laterby the lama Dusk, under the Aspect of Snake Nāga, both eggs gave origin
               to a pair of hybrid cufflinks, –one-third Crane, one-third man, and one-third snake– who would
               be the Great Ancestors of the duskhas.

                      Must not surprise then, that with such belief they reclaimed their kinship with the King
               of the World and became in their most fanatic whorshippers, demanding to whoever tries to
               outflank the the Door of Shambalah the sorrowful offering of a human victim, sweet gift for

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