Page 624 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 624

out  from Germany.  We had  fifty loaders with  thirty  bullets each one,  but I’d take just two,
               remaining the rest for my Comrades who sould hold the bulk of the attack. Naturally, we all
               had the dagger of Knight   , with the legend «Blut und Ehre» engraved on the blade.

                      The  kâulika  warriors,  by  their  part,  employed  three  classes  of  arms:  bow  and  arrows,
               scimitar, and dagger. As I said before, those monks were not expert in martial arts, and their
               ability for the archery had no rivals in the Tibet, where nobody doubted to attribute a magical
               power to the arrows and was affirmed that, while they could reach the target as in day as in
               night, with the eyes opened o closed, etc. All carried fifty arrows, no more, no less, in a quiver
               that they let suspend against the right leg: each arrow corresponded to one of the skulls of the
               necklace of Kâly and for this reason it had engraved on its rod one of the letters of the sacerd
               alphabet of the Aryans. The scimitar was a short sword, of some 80 centimetres with blade of
               just  one  edge,  hamstring,  of  convex  form  and  tailstock,  and  widened  in  that  extreme;  the
               quillon  protected  the  hilt  with  two  crossguards  that  imitated  the  nail  of  the  eagle,  and  the
               handle, of black ivory, had a knob exquisitely chiselled, which represented the Countenance of
               Kâly as Mrtyu, the Death. The scimitar, sheathed hanged from a swordbelt on the left side. And
               finally, in a little sheath locked by the girdle, was the dagger of flamed blade and ivory handle,
               with similar size of the medieval Panzerbreher of its contemporaneous «Mercy».

                      The members of the Kâula Cyrcle denominated in their Tantra, «Rudra» to Shiva, word

               that  emerged  from  the  contraction  and  agglutination  of  Ru  and  Duskha,  and  that  meant
               «Who destroys the Pain». Shiva was thereby the Enemy of the Pain, or the Enemy of Dusk;
               and  his  disciples,  by  extension,  would  be  the  Enemies  of  the  duskhas.  I  clarify  this,
               neffe¸because I could not stop considering, in the balance of the own armament, the deep hate
               that the kâulikas experienced for the duskhas, as an important tactical element in their favour.

                      The  kâulikas  considered  the  duskhas  as  little  less  than  vampires  who  lived  from  the
               human sorrow, and they were psychologically predisposed to act with the highest rigor against
               the «family of Dusk»: Shiva Rudra would approve and reward the courga demonstration of his
               Kshatryas kâulikas.

                      The sun went down behind the formidable Mountain Range Bayan Kara and the night,
               impenetrable due to the dim light of the waning moon, descended over the lake Kyaring. At the
               00:00 hrs. we left the horses well secured one km. before the Ashram Jafran and we started to
               advance on foot, charging the necessary material for the attack. This had been fixed for the one
               o’clock, hour in which both groups had to be on their positions.

                      The Gurkha, knower of the path towards the Temple, one of the lopas, and I, would be in
               charge to rescue Oskar, in the exact moment in which von Grossen with the others would begin

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