Page 629 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 629
The doors, windows, awnings, curtains, foods sacks, the fodder and the looms armed
beneath wide corridors, started to take different categories of combustion little by little. In
some sites, the flames soon overpassed the height of the houses and the sparks invaded the
environs; the fire was propagated relentlessly and the fire became general.
When the two kâulikas arrived to the final towers, at the twenty past one, the duskha
village had been transformed in a giant stake. The uncontrolled mobs were trying the majority
of them to escape from the suffocating heat and arrive to the lake or got out from the walls.
The sentinels of the lateral doors, traped within the flames and the multitude, opened and they
couldn’t avoid the pass of hundreds of terrified settlers. At that time, the two kâulika monks
assumed very different attitudes. The one who was in the tower of the extreme right, went
down with a rope from the wall and walked resolutely towards the place where the horses were
hidden, demolishing unceremoniously, with mortal strikes of the scimitar, the disconcerted
duskhas that he found on his way. The one of the left tower, prepared the rope to descend to
the exterior, but then he went down through the stone stair towards in the interior and,
converted in a whirlwind of deadly lunges, he cleaned from enemies the environs of such site:
was expecting the arrival of von Grossen’s squadron, which had to be already there.
A quarter past one. The numerous huddles of duskhas, reunited before the entrance of
the Monastery, demanded with strong voices the presence of the lamas of the Kurkuma
Bonnet. Ignoring the clamour of their brothers, the monks had entrenched and were, probably,
praying to Ridgen Djapo and the Gods of the White Fraternity.
It was improbable that in the interior of the Gompa, physical seat of the Ashram Jafran,
would have existed a fireweapon; and was even more improbable that some lama would be
disposed to defend his refugee with weapons.
The fast apparition of von Grossen and the officers was surprising and caused the
panic of the settlers. Two grenades fell amongst them and they completed such scene without
name. The explosions, in middle of the multitude, mutilated the nearer bodies and projected
dozens of shards in every direction, teeth of metal avid to bite and hurt the flesh, beasts
blinded and winged that killed randomly. Von Grossen just had to shot to times with the
machinepistole, to make that the rain of bullets disperses the mad crowd.
All the group took shelter preventively under the gallery of a beautiful Buddhist Pagoda
of Tibetan style, with the finality to prepare the next action. Klostar and Hans, in the centre of
the circle of kâulika scimitars, they put down their backpacks and extracted the forty rifle
grenade. They tokk then the Mauser 1914 and inserted two of the in the cannon adaptor.