Page 631 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 631

Kloster and Hans were shooting the first two incendiary grenades towards two windows of the
               second  floor:  one  of  them  impacted  on  the  chest  of  the  lama  who  was  vociferating
               circumstantially his speech and made him disappear under a blinding light; another penetrated
               cleanly  through  the  contiguous  aperture  and  exploded  in  the  interior  of  the  Gompa.  And
               through both windows, after the explosion, was seen how the fire seared everything.

                      But the     didn’t look back to evaluate the effect of their attack. After the first two,
               they  continued  throwing  grenades  against  the  widows  at  the  rate  of  ten  per  front,  until
               complete the  forty. Kloster ran  by the  right, followed by von Grossen  and the two  kâulikas,
               stoping at stretchs to reload the grenade and shoot. Hans did it by the left, protected by Heinz
               and three kâulikas, shooting in similar manner.

                      No one counted with the possibility that the Monastery would have possessed its own
               body  of  guard,  which  passed  unwarned  to  the  Gurkha  observer.  However,  such  was
               insignificant in number, although its members had a good training in the employment of the
               sabre. There they suffered the first and unique casualty, when a surprising slash ended with the
               life of a lopa of the group of von Grossen. The guards, two or three on each door, remained out
               and they tried, displaying some courage, to avoid that the Monastery be attacked. Of course,
               they didn’t have the dexterity nor the necessary knowledge to rivalize with the kâulikas and,
               when they were not eliminated by their scimitars, they fell perforated by the German bullets.

                      In  a  few  seconds  the  Lamas  Monastery’s  was  then,  likewise  grass  of  the  flames.  As
               involuntary guests of an infernal stove, as if the Ray of Indra would have fallen effectively over
               the pacific Ashram Jafran, the major part of the hypocrites Saints lamas found a horrible death
               in those first minutes of the attack. A death accompanied by a shivery concert of sorrowful

                      At the two minutes, both squads were reunited in the posterior door of the Monastery,
               the one that pointed at the White Isle and the Temple of Ridgen Jyepo. The clocks signalized
               the one and eighteen minutes, and through the beach was coming at slow pace a third group:
               was the gang composed by the Gurkha, the lopa, Oskar Feil, and me!

                      Suddenly  the  door  was  opened  and  some  lamas  pretended  to  go  outside.  They  were
               coughing and crying for the smoke, and their simple Asian countenances represented the image
               of the terror: von Grossen strafed them without mercy and bellowed:

                      –To the other gates!

                      In fact, the rest of the doors were opened too but very few were the survivors that we
               had suppressed: the intense heat, and the collapse of the superior floors, ended with the main

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