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P. 619

The body remained inert again, but it was too late: the sentinels were running towards
               the altar uttering exclamations. The Gurkha jumped over the first and stabbed him, but he had
               to surrender then before the threat of two dissuasive fusils. Another guard opened the door of
               the Temple and soon an angry crowd of duskhas surrounding the intruder. If Gangi would have
               reckoned the with the weapons of the kâulika warriors he’d have presented better battle, but as
               the role of carrier that he represented in the expedition could only take that knife with him
               hidden within his clothings. In that terrible moment, the only thing he desired was that his
               brother could flee.

                      And his desired was accomplished, because the other Gurkha descended with celerity
               from the cornice and ingressed in the lake, gaining the shore unseen. Hidden behind a little
               wall which followed the contour of the beach, he observed how minutes later Ernst Schaeffer
               arrived accompanied by his two more loyal collaborators and six lamas of the Kurkuma Bonnet.
               The die of his brother was cast.

                      In  the  case  of  being  captured,  both  were  agree  to  declare  that  the  incursion  to  the
               Temple obeyed to the unique porpuse of the theft: –«They supposed that in the Temple –would
               say–  would  be  objects  of  value  that  could  be  subtracted  from  the  custody  of  duskhas  to  be
               traded then in China or in India, producing thus a favourable change in the life of two poor
               sherpas».  Wold  be  executed,  of  course,  for  the  committed  sacrilege  and,  specially,  because
               Schaeffer could not leave witnesses of the presence of Oskar Feil in the Temple. But the version
               of the theft would remove suspicions and wouldn’t put in danger the task of the German spies.

                      Now one of the Gurkhas, Bangi, was free but was worthless to shelter hopes about the
               luck that his brother woul run: he would be murdered to avoid him to speak and present his
               body  thus  to  the  rest  of  the  expedition,  affirming  that  he  died  when  he  was  surprised  in
               fraganti effectuating a theft in a Temple, not in the one of Ridgen Djapo but other to which
               the corpse would be transported.

                      He was not wrong, because after a while two guards went out carrying the lifeless body
               of Gangi, followed by the Germans and the lamas: at the light of the moon, he could see his
               neck dissected from ear to ear, having to set his jaw to avoid a scream of sorrow. He consoled
               himself thinking that his brother possessed the Kula and that he would dance soon with Shiva
               the dance of immortality.

                      –«Kâly. O Kâly: –he invoked mentally– communicate me your Power of Death, convert
               me  in  a  Shindje  Bhairava;  concede  me,  O  Pavarti,  the  Honour  to  revenge  the  life  of  my
               brother, your loyal servant; help me to recover the dignity of the Kshatrya; transform me in
               Kâlybala,  the  Force  to  destroy  the  foes  of  your  Path  Kula;  put  a  Trisula  in  my  hands,  the

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