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P. 607
In the courtyard the sadhakas that we saw the last night were waiting for him,
sustaining each one of them the leash of an enourmous mastiff. They had leash around the
neck, without muzzle, whence the mentioned leash was subjected, and however they didn’t
utter a single bark: mute, silent as the monks that surrounded me, those terrible dogs were
observing me without batting an eye.
Then the Guru Visaraga spoke. And his words still echoe in my ears with strange clarity.
–Oh Djowo: You are a Shivatulku for us, that is, a manifestation of Shiva. These dogs
that you see here, are a gift of our community for who exhibits so clearly the Sign of Bhairava:
the female is called «Kula», and the male «Akula».
Was the last gift that I’d have expected to receive from the kâulikas. I was going to
protest but the Guru not admitted rejoin: –Vielen dank! I just said.
–Your partner von Grossen, who shared many months our table, has entrusted us that
the Initiates of the are capable to stop an enraged mastiff with a scream.
I assented with a gesture:
–Indeed –I said–. Every Initiate must demonstrate that is capable to impose the
Lorship of the Spirit over all the animal creatures of the earth, no matter how wild they are.
–Ah –sighed the Guru–. It result us difficult to imagine your world as for you is
impossible to represent ours. More than the Races, a Universe of Symbols separate us, a Wall of
Illusion planted by the Great Deceiver. You are usually conformed with empty words, in other
words, you feel happy with words that represent ideas, ideas that have lightweight in the
reality, ideas that are as illusory as the rest forms of Maya. The Sign that you carry make you
different from the rest of mortal beings. However neither you, nor your Gurus, know how to
demonstrate this supremacy. Well, with this simple couple of dogos, O Bhattaraka, you’ll do
what nodoby have done, except for the carriers of the Sign of Shive, is capable to do in this
World: We will reveal you a Kilkor that will allow you to command mentally both
mastiffs at the same time.
To direct a dog with the mind would be effectively incredible for any rationalist
mentality, but I considered it possible and took it with naturalness; what resulted
incomprehensible to me was to control «both mastiffs at the same time». The Guru
Visaraga, who continued explaining the characteristics of the sinister gift, didn’t delay to clarify
all my doubts.