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P. 609

Destruction of Maya, the Wisdom that fundaments the Tantra Kâula. And, for us, Initiates of
               the Tantra Kâula, you are a Tulku of Shiva, as I called you a moment ago. You know what’s a

                      –I think so: –I responded without much conviction– the reincarnation of a God.

                      –No! –Guru Visaraga denied with firmly, although he smiled compasively–. You must
               say,  anyway:  one  of  the  simultaneous  reincarnations  of  a  God.  According  to  the  tantric
               Doctrine, when God, in a determined Period, decides to reveal himself onto men, can do it, and
               generally do it, in a multitude of physical manifestations: Then the God possesses a plurality of
               bodies, exists as a man simultaneously in different places and circumstances. Those men, as
               you, express the signs of the God but sometimes they ignore that are Tulkus. Therefore, there
               are many Tulkus at the same time. Our Tibet has been always rich in Tulkus due to the elevated
               spirituality of the Aryans and the other Races that dominated likewise the ancient Wisdom; we
               are, perhaps, the only Initiates in the World that know how to read the signals of the Tulkus.

                      But now, at the end of the Age of Kâly, the Gods haven moved to the countries of the
               region  whence  you  come  to  others  that  are  behind  the  tenebrous  seas.  Your  homeland,
               Germany, where the strongest descendants of the common racial trunk have gathered, is one of
               the  last  terrestrial  stages  in  which  the  Tulkus  will  represent  the  Drama  of  the  War  of  the
               Heavens. You are a Tulku of Shiva! It is not casual that you are complying a mission neither that
               we are helping you: the other Tulkus¸who coexist  with you in your Nation, who  with
               great Wisdom have sent you to obstruct the pass of the Asuras of Shambalah.

                      And because we recognize you as Tulku es that we are going to give you the dîkshâ in the
               Kilkor svadi.

                      Can you suppose neffe, the dobuts that provoked me the beliefs of the kâulikâs. Me a
               Tulku? The truth is that I felt the manifestation  of  a  unique  Spirit,  but in  no way I  could
               affirm  or  deny  that  I  was  the  only  manifestation.  I  had  never  thought  in  so  disquieting
               possibility but, indeed, in that moment I didn’t belive it. Although it would have not disgusted
               me, for example, to participate as a  Tulku from the essence of the Führer and share in this
               manner his Destiny of Glory.

                      The Guru offered me a coup constructed with a human skull, artistically coated inside
               with silver plates and studded with emeralds, which was overflowed with a disagreeable potion.

                      It contained nang techeud, the tantric version of the soma, amrita or mead, it means,
               the elixir of the Initiation Rituals, the drink of the Gods (Siddhas) or semigods (viryas); the nang
               tcheud is employed mainly, in the Ritual of the Five Ms, because it is elaborated with the five

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