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P. 705

Nevertheless, the Captain communicated us that «in some place of the Indian Ocean»,
               which  coordinates would be transmitted by  radio, we would transship  to a  battleship. Thus
               occurred at a few miles from Sumatra: a disconcerted Admiral picked us up in his cruise and he
               direct course to Germany. The ship was going to Argentina with other two, realizing a largely
               planed  manoeuvre.  At  the  height  of  the  City  of  El  Cabo,  he  received  the  order  to  deviate
               towards  the  Indian  Ocean  to  pick  up  five  passengers.  His  new  mission  was  qualified  of
               «maximum security» and, since the moment in which the mysterious personages boarded, he
               had to transmit in a supersecret key and avoid every contact with other ships or terrestrial
               stations.  No  one  had  to  be  able  to  localize  the  cruise  because,  on  the  contrary,  existed  the
               possibility that they could «enter in operations». –Who would attack us in times of peace? –
               mumbled  the  Admiral–.  «This  must  be  another  game  of  Major  State,  a  probationary  secret
               manoeuvre for the Kriegmarine».

                      The Admiral not imagined that if the synarchic forces would have known the location of
               his ship, and the identity of its occupants, they would have sunk it right there.

               Chapter XXXIX

                      Twenty days after our departure from Shanghai, we disembarked in Hamburg. There an
               officer of the exterior S.D. was waiting for usat the commanding a platoon; his orders: guide
               Karl von Grossen, Oskar Feil, and Srivirya and Bangi, in two cars towards Berlin. I had move
               aside  from  the  group  and  take  a  third  car  towards  the  local  airport,  where  a  plane  would
               transport me likewise to Berlin.

                      We were going to separate each other for first time in many months and the experience
               resulted  painful.  We  all  had  lost  Comrades  and  ran  mortal  dangers  together;  the  lived
               adventures brothered us. Before abandon them, von Grossen wanted to talk me alone.

                      –I knew it! –He told me with worried tone–.Kurt von Sübermann: you were the first key
               of the Operation First Key! And the Thulegesellschaft will be only occupied of you. We, from

               now on, will remain incommunicated, isolated from the rest of the    to avoid us to speak. We
               know a lot, Kurt, perhaps more than what is convenient for the Initiates of the Black Order
               that someone knows! I feel that we may not see each other again –He concluded mournfully.

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