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P. 701

served as deposits. Other members of the Band, that were waiting disciplined, were in charge of
               the  unloadand the stowage, and to take the whores and fugitives. The  absence of  Japanese
               control surprised us, to whom we didn’t see in Nanking nor nowhere. –Is that the Japanese

               were already smeared –said us the guide in his striking pidgin, a jargon mix of Portuguese and
               English that is spoken in the maritime coasts of China: obviously, to call anoint to the bribery
               is an irony own of Portugal and Spain. –Don’t explained Mr. Thien-ma it to oyu? I responded
               him  affirmatively  in  the  same  language,  but  the  power  that  the  paste  of  the  Green  Band
               applied  upon  the  smeared  persons  impressed  us.  He  smiled  and  communicated  us  that  we
               would leave to Shanghai immediately.

                      At leaving from the port zone, taking the streets that the guide seemed to know very
               well, we arrived to a market-square of huge dimensions, where existed a natural agglomeration
               of  hundreds  of  jinricksha,  those  Japanese  vehicles  drawn  by  a  man,  that  have  the  form  of
               individual  calash  and  that  the  English  denominated  rickshaw.  It  seemed  us  wonderful  the
               organization  and  discipline  at  verifying  that  six  were  aparted  waiting  for  us,  undoubtedly
               warned by the Greens who had left before from the port. I looked askance at von Grossen, but
               he noticed it.

                      –These  people  know  how  to  do  things  –he  growled–.  We  should  come  to  learn  from

                      I didn’t attend to this exaggeration because we were already rolling at high speed and
               the  sight  of  the  great  city  absorved  me  completely:  with  5.000.000  inhabitants  in  1938,
               Shanghai  for  the  English,  Changai  for  the  French,  and  Xangae  for  the  Portuguese  and
               Spaniards,  was  a  huge  city  for  any  pair  of  occidental  eyes.  Now  we  were  going  to  «model
               Colony», or bund, the isle that the occidental knew to raise in middle of an insalubrious swamp,
               which was the only place conceded by the Chinese in the treaty of Nanking 1842, rubricated
               with pure cannonshots by the English which in that year occupied Shanghai in despite of the
               250  cannons  of  the  batteries  over  the  Vu-Sang:  the  pirates  disembarked  the  infantry,  that
               neutralized  the  cannons  and  marched  over  the  city,  while  the  ships  ingressed  through  the
               Northern door and the Chinese fleed from the Southern door.

                      Over  these  swampy  terrains  a  magnificent  Europen  citadel  was  raised,  walled,  with
               cobbled canalization of the water, and paved and illuminated streets. Enormous edifies were
               constructed belonging to the three occupant potencies: England, United States and France; and
               soon  emerged  three  characteristic  neighbourhoods  of  these  nationalities,  apart  from  the

               inevitable Chinatown, called Nantao by the Chienese. The three colonialist potencies obtained
               extense  zones  of  private  port  to  make  that  their  Companies  of  the  External  Trade  install
               commercial  factories.  When  the  Germans  pretended  to  enter  in  this  business,  the  port  was
               already distributed and they were obeyed to pay franchises to their competitors. Anyhow, it

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