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P. 696
With exemplary practical sense, the Tsung-Tu negotiated with the chiefs of the
organized crime the bestowal of such door. According to the arrangement, the mobsters will be
in charge to maintain a permanent surveillance, coordinated with the nationalist guard of the
other doors; without being troubled by the police. The benefit that the Tsung-Tu obtained with
this original pact was the tranquillity of its troops, which could occupied in the war against the
Japanese or to fight the communists. The criminal Secret Societies were as ancient as China
and always had been possible to coexist with them: represented the minor ill. Otherwise with
the communists or Japanese would be impossible to coexist in peace. At giving them
sovereignity over the Black Door, legalizes in some mode the illegal activities and achieved
certain supervision over the uncontrollable traffic of the Black Market. If it was not worked
thus, obeying the Societies to operate in the clandestinity would be necessary to watch the 24
hours the walls and resisit periodic armed confrontations with the contrabandists.
The kâulikas of Sining went directly to the Shen Hei and there they gave a password
aloud. They opened our way immediately. But, once inside, they didn’t guide us before a rough
evildoer, chief of a «guild of bandits», as the definition of von Grossen permitted to presume.
The chief of the Green Band was an old Chinese of exquisite manners, that for the
incarnated ruby that the official hat exhibited, he declared to be a Mandarin of first category
and first class: such signal meant the highest hierarchy in the Chinese Aristocracy; we also
distinguished an image of a unicorn richly embroidered in his suit, ensign own of the military
Kuans: the civilian Kuans had bird insignias.
He was called Thien-ma, i.e., Knight of Heaven, and he surprised us for his knowledge
about all our movements: he knew that we were Germans, that we came from Buthan, that we
explored the Tibet at the same time that the other German expedition coming from India, that
we destroyed the duskha village, that we appeared mysteriously in the valley Kan-cheu and
arrived to Sining, and that now we were requesting the help to travel to Shanghai. He spoke in
cult Mandarin and left a halo intrigue around his informs.
We were in an enormous and fancy house that could pass perfectly as a palace. The
servants were finishing to put the table and the Kuan invited to take sit.
–It’ll be glad to have dinner with you. I’ve understood that you are Doctors, men of
study, apart from warriors. I am too: I reached the grade of Hamlin years ago, which is
equivalent to what you call professor, the highest title that the University of Pekin bestows.
My specialties are the Mathematics and Philosophy. I’ve studied the Taoism deeply and I
profess it: the ours could be considered as a Taoist Society. Is for this filiation that we are
natural allies of the Kâula Circle of the Tibet: we consider that they know the occult part of the
Taoism; of all the Taos, the Tao; of all the paths, the Path; the strategic Path that guides the