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the Envy for the luxury and the occidental Culture; under the custome of the humility gasps
the burgeois eager of all pleasures; under the mask of the warrior consecrated to the penuries
of the struggle, is the pusillanimous countenance of who loves the amenities of the peace;
under the declaimed honour is hidden the treason. Remember my words, Shivatulku, and
repeat them to your Führer if you can. Your natural ally is not Japon but China: the Tao
passes here!
Alas, neffe Arturo, how much reason had such kâulika monk in 1938! Just as the Führer
explained me such night of the graduation, in the Chancellery, and just as was of public
knowledge, he was the first who stripped the inner armor of the Synarchy and exposed its
Judaic pith. In the center was the Zionism, esoterically sustained by the Wise men of Zion of
the Great Sanhedrin; to dominate the World, the Synarchy disposed of two tactical wings, a
right on or Judeoliberal, and a left one or Judeomarxist; the right wing was supported
esoterically by the Masonry and and hundreds of related sects; the Marxism counted directly
with the control of the members of the Chosen People, therefore their esoteric fundament
would be merely Rabbinic. According to the Führer, the most politically enlightened man of the
History, in this manner worked organically the Great Jewish Conspiracy or Universal Synarchy.
But, one thing was to affirm it and other to demonstrate it. How achieve that the Enemy
abandon every caution and leave uncovered his tenebrous alliance? How provoke him to make
that reveal himself?
The Führer found a solution. «If there’s something that the Wise men of Zion will never
permit, nor the Synarchy, nor the White Fraternity, nor the own Creator, Jehovah-Satan, will
be that the communism disappear», that was more or less the great reasoning. In fact, the
communism, the purest political expression of the Jewish mentality, could not be lost: such
possibility, for the Synarchy, was naturally inconceivable. And from such political perspective
«the Communism», ergo, was the Soviet Union. In synthesis, a tactical strike against the
Soviet Communism would obey to all the participants States of the Synarchy to run in
succour of their ally. Attack the Soviet Union was, thereby, a strategic objective of first order
against the Universal Synarchy. The Führer knew it and he acted consciously, foreseeing that
the Total War of the Third Reich against the Synarchy would be a War of Supreme Principles:
the Eternal Spirit against the Potencies of the Matter. During the war he anticipated what
would come, with his habitual accuracy: «if we win the war, the Jewish World Power will
disappear forever; if we lose, their triumph will not be durable, because their
organization will remain definitely exposed».
And what did the Japanese «Comrades» to favour the Strategy of the Führer? Let’s
remember. Germany invades Soviet Union on 22 June 1941. Anyone would think that with an