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P. 694

Bolsheviks, the Japanese «Comrades» attacked the United States in Pearl Harbor, conceding
               thus the opportunity to that colossal and stupid synarchic potence to intervene directly in the
               world’s struggle.

                      According  to  the  classical  model  of  the  Judaic  Justice,  the  «sin»  of  a  people  against
               Jehovah is redeemable through a Ritual Sacrifice of a part of its members and the sustenance of
               the rest of the  Law. Even if the Japanese  not  participated directly from the  benefits of the
               Judaic Culture, their fondness for the Buddhism, and to every form of religion founded in the
               Kâlachakra of Chang Shambalah, demonstrated that their withdrawal from the Law was not so
               big: the greatest sin consisted, without doubts, in their recent alliance with the Nazism and
               Fascism. But this little sin only required a purgatory, of Fire, before the eternal condemn that
               the Rabbis pretended to apply to the German National Socialism.

                      How purge an entire people of a sin that offends the Creator? Through the lye, replied
               the Rabbis; cleaning the sin of an entire Race through the human lye obtained in the Sacrifice
               One, and reincorporating then the purgatory of the entire Race to the Paradise of the Universal
               Synarchy. It would not be very expensive the price to pay: 250 to 300 thousand men would be
               enough  to  fabricate  the  sufficient  ashes.  The  Rabbis  and  Japanese  Priests  of  the  White
               Fraternity arrange the pact, and in this manner was how on 6 August 1945 and 9 August 1945
               fell the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki; ashes of thousands of men, salt of Earth
               and Heaven, water of Heaven and Earth, human lye that cleans the sin of man against Jehovah
               God and against the Law of God.

                      Who  orders  the  mini  Fire  Holocaust  of  the  Japanese  is  the  Hebrew  president  of  the
               United States, Harry Solomon Truman, whose real surname is Shippe. Mason grade 33 counts
               with  the  hidden  advice  of  the  Great  Sanhedrin  and  Jews  and  Masons  of  the  size  of  Dean
               Acherson, of the General Marshall, Snyder, Rosenman, etc., who are openly supported by the
               Jewish band of Baruch, Eleanor Roosvelt, Herbert Lehman, Haverell Harriman, Paul Hoffman,
               Walter Lipman, etc. Because the real synarchic work of the United States in the Second War
               was  not  developed  by  Truman,  who  acceded  to  the  power  just  on  April  12,  1945,  after  the
               sudden  death  of  the  Jew  Roosvelt:  he  was  the  authentic  producer  of  the  Judaic  plans.
               Descendant of Klaes Martensen Rosenwelt, full-blooded Hebrew who inmigrated to New York
               in 1644, Franklin Delano Roosvelt registered double Jewish parternity: as  his father, James
               Roosvelt,  so  his  mother,  Sarah  Delano,  belonged  to  the  Chosen  People.  And  also  his  wife,
               Eleanor, daughter of the Jews Elliot and Anna Hall. The Jewish mafia that unleashed the crisis
               of 1929 that catapulted him to the power: some of the collaborators of that period were Jews of
               extreme dangerousness and evil without name, as Bernard Baruch, Herbert Lehman, Haverell
               Harriman,  Sol  Bloon,  Samuel  Rosenman,  Henry  Margenthan,  Oscar  Straus,  Marios  Davies,
               Truman, etc., all of exeptional power in the White House.

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