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P. 692

«ally»  as  Japon  occupying  China  since  1937,  the  Soviet  Union  would  be  between  two  fires.
               Because  who  though  thus,  would  be  very  wrong,  because  on  13  April  1941,  «casually»  two
               months before the Operation Barbarossa, Japon signed the «Pact of neutrality Japanese-
               Russian» that implied the demilitarization of Manchuria and Mongolia. It is clear, neffe, that is
               Japon would have really shared our weltanschauung would have attacked the Soviet Union
               simultaneously  with  the  Germans:  with  the  German  armies  by  the  West  and  the  Japanese
               hordes by the East the Soviet Communism would have been suffocated in a deadly National
               Socialist pincer.

                      Logically, after 1945 I  have reflected too much about the words of the Shiva-guru of
               Sining and it resulted difficult to don’t find the reason of them for me, every time that the facts
               confirmed  them.  Of  course,  before  the  dishonest  attitude  of  Japon,  more  would  have  been
               valuable for us to have the Chinese as ally: they wanted, on those years, to destroy the Soviet
               Communism  almost  as  much  as  take  the  Japanese  off  from  them.  Was  wrong  the  Führer
               trusting in Japon, mistake that would have costed him the Camapaign of Russia and the result
               of the World War? I think that there was not such mistake and that the Strategy of the Führer
               was  so  brilliant  that  it  was  going  to  achieve  the  incredible  effect  to  discover  the  «Jewish
               mentality» wherever he could be, even within the own «allies» of Germany. In a war of Supreme
               Principles as the one that the Führer proposed it not interested to «win» or «lose» in the Earth,
               in the material level, but impose a spiritual weltanschauung which value was completely out
               from every material level: if the weltanschauung, the Hyperborean conception of the World,
               «our  Flag»,  were  understood  by  the  man  of  Honour,  the  war  would  be  won,  even  though  a
               material stumble be suffered; even when the luck of the weapons be in our favour. In this war
               of Supreme Principles, would not interest a life without Honor: would be the historic moment
               in which each country would demonstrate their real being and what they would want to be. A
               extraordinary man, perhaps a God, someone to whom the kâulika monks demoninated the Lord
               of  the  Absolute  Will,  had  created  the  circumstances  that  would  obey  each  population  to
               manifest their essence, that would put the Synarchy at sight, that would mature the Judaic pus
               and make it sprout there where it would be incubating its corruptor cultivation. Being in this
               manner,  was  wrong  the  Füher  or  he  was  wonderfully  right  at  achieving  that  Japon  be
               unmasked  before  the  World  and  the  History  showing  its  occult  face,  that  today  causes  the
               admiration of the Synarchy?

                      In History there are no surprises. The historical facts register causes that sometimes are
               dated centuries or millenniums back. The actual Japon is an enormous kibbutz, the «Jewish
               mentality»  has  been  imposed  on  all  levels,  similarly  as  how  occurs  in  England,  and
               predominates  a  widespread  consensus  to  make  that  the  country  remain  aligned  in  the
               Synarchy, member of the Trilateral Commision, to the UN, to the NATO, etc.; the entire world,
               there, speaks of yens, of peace, of consumption, of tourism, of brotherhood, liberty, fraternity,

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