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P. 693

etc.  This  «change»,  apparently  «surprising»  due  to  the  «warrior»  vocation  of  the  Japanese
               before the Second World War. Is this really a change, due to the punishment of Hiroshima and
               Nagasaki, or the exhibition of the real nature of the Japanese, who perhaps by some type pf
               collective  trauma  have  desired  for  centuries  to  be  what  their  were  not,  this  is,  Kshatriyas,
               Samurais,  and  have  ended  simulating,  representing,  the  role  of  warriors?  Because  all  the
               historic phenomenons, like this supposed «change» of the Japanese, have ancient causes that

               justify  them:  no  one  becomes  a  Jew  from  one  day  to  another,  not  even  if  he  is
               circumcised; to be a good son of Israel many «virtues» are necessary, as for example
               the usury and the love for the lucre, that requires a long time to be developed. But in
               so  little  time  the  Japanese  have  demonstrated  to  be  as  good  Jews  and  the  Israelites  and
               English.  Does  it  mean  that  in  Japon  the  Judaic  mentality  is  hidden  and  that  the  heat  of
               Hiroshima and Nagasaki just produced its metamorphosis, the birth of the synarchic chrysalis
               that today is already one more beautiful butterfly in swarm of the White Fraternity?

                      Dear neffe: you are a young idealist and know well the History. Lisent to this principle,
               verified  by  an  oldman  who  has  lived  too  much,  and  that  synthetizes  what  I’ve  told  you
               concerning  to  the  attitude  of  the  Japanese:  no  population,  never,  loses  its  Honor
               suddenly; there’s none example in History that proves the contrary. The populations,
               as all what lives, follows the orders of the nature and amongst them, as within all the
               inhabitants  of  the  jungle,  there  are  lion’s  populations  and  lamb’s  populations,
               condors  populations  and  rat  populations;  and,  as  amongst  the  animals,  no  lion
               becomes a lamb at a stroke, no condor turns into a rat all of sudden: if such «change»
               is really possible, would require a large, millenary, evolution. Of course that, as in the
               fables,  the  lambs  can  disguise  of  lions,  the  rats  dress  themselves  of  condors.  Here’s  what  I
               think: the Strategy of the Führer has marked a historical hour, analogous to the hour
               agreed in the masquerade dances where all the people must take their maks off, in
               which lambs and rats can be observed, and an infinite of other vermins, under the
               gorgeous costumes of lion, condor, and other predators.

                      I think, neffe, that the Japanese were already before the World War what they are today;
               they  didn’t  «change»  an  apex;  that  the  Shivaguru  was  right  in  his  fears;  but  that  he  didn’t
               comprehend completely the Strategy of the Führer, that, effectively, they betrayed us, because
               their  hearts  were  with  the  White  Fraternity,  although  their  lips  belied  the  strategic  acts
               opposed to our weltanschauung; and that it was predictable, especially for the Chinese, that
               since millenniums ago they knew with what kind of oxen they plough.

                      But the treason not consisted just in the infamous pact, scrupulously respected, that left
               the hands of the Soviets free to take care only of Germany. Let’s remember that on 7 December
               of  1941,  when  the  Germans  were  facing  the  terrible  Russian  Winter  without  truce  to  the

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