Page 203 - AZUFRE ROJO
P. 203

202               Ana  Crespo                    |    El  Azufre  Rojo  VIII  (2020),  200-218.    |    ISSN:  2341-1368

               is also ref ected in the angelic dimension, which I investigated and incorporated into several
               plastic projects, from 1992 to the present, examples of which are found in this article.

               We pay particular attention to Rūmī’s account of the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary,
               which provides several clues that illuminate the function of the artist. This article is a sum-
               mary of a longer text that will be presented shortly.

               Palabras clave: Ángel, suf smo, color, Arte, Ibn ῾Arabī, Rūmī, Rūzbehān.

               Key words: Angel, Suf sm, color, Art, Ibn ῾Arabī, Rūmī, Rūzbehān.

                                     Fig.3. Ana Crespo. Serie “En el corazón del Rubí”.
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