Page 166 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 166
Lucheni had originally planned to kill the Duke of Orléans, but the French noble
had left Geneva earlier. Failing to find him, the assassin selects Elisabeth when a
Geneva newspaper reveals that the elegant woman traveling under the
pseudonym of "Countess of Hohenembs" was the Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
After Lucheni strikes her, the Empress collapses and dies soon afterwards.
Lucheni is soon apprehended as anger and grief sweep Autria-Hungary.
Murderous Reds of unstable mind are being incited by propaganda and unseen
handlers to blindly serve the bloodlust of The New World Order.
Almost immediately after leaving the Army in August, 1898, the legend-in-his-
own-mind is tapped by the kingmakers of New York to run as the Republican
Party candidate for governor. As one would have come to already expect of the
raging narcissist, TR campaigns vigorously on his war record as the “hero” of
San Juan Hill. The mendacious mythology is multiplied by the Yellow Press.
‘Colonel” Roosevelt wins the election by the historically narrow margin of just
1%. So many good things happening for Theodore Roosevelt!