Page 167 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 167

His  brief  2-year  Governorship  is  marked  by  a  flurry  of  busy-body  activity  in

               which  TR  casts  himself  as  the  champion  of  “little  guy”  against  the  big  bad
               corporations. Like his mythical charge into the imaginary gunfire of San Juan
               Hill, this simplistic narrative is based on smoke and bullshit. In reality, TR was a
               wholly-owned creation of the very Wall Street Finance Kings that he claims to
               be crusading against.

               The other notable, and typical, development of TR’s Governorship was the very

               strange innovation of holding press conferences not on a weekly basis; not on a
               daily  basis,  but  twice  each  day!  Ostensibly,  this  was  done  to  “stay  connected
               with  the  middle-class”.  In  reality,  the  two-a-day  pressers  serve  as  further
               evidence that TR is a self-obsessed, attention-seeking megalomaniac who should
               never have been allowed anywhere near the levers of state power.

                 Then, as now, the gullible public loves a “war hero”. TR shamelessly rode his
                         fictitious battlefield heroism into the Governorship of New York.

                        U.S. VICE PRESIDENT GARRET HOBART DIES / TR IS

               Just 55 years of age, Vice President Garret Hobart dies of strange heart ailment
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