Page 216 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 216

As far as bullet sizes go, the .38 caliber (a measure of diameter) is one of the
                              larger size bullets. But “Superman” TR felt no pain?

               TR takes a clean handkerchief to cover the “wound” as he heads for the stage,
               where one of his bodyguards is attempting to explain what has just happened to

               the audience. Someone in the crowd shouts out: “Fake! Fake!” (2) True to his
               self-promoting form, TR the drama queen wastes no time in proclaiming to the
               crowd: “Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether
               you fully understand that I have just been shot.” (3) The horrified audience in
               the  Milwaukee  Auditorium  gasps  as  the  theatrical  TR  unbuttons  his  vest  to
               reveal his bloodstained shirt. Then comes the proud boast: “It takes more than
               that to kill a bull moose.” (4) Now the crowd is really buzzing as the legend of
               TR  reaches  new  heights  of  super-humanism.  The  babbler  continues  before
               launching into yet another 90-minute speech about nothing: “But fortunately I
               had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a
               bullet - there is where the bullet went through - and it probably saved me from it
               going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long
               speech, but I will try my best.” (5) Right on cue, Schrank claimed that the spirit
               of President McKinley had told him to avenge his murder by killing TR. In an
               open letter to the American people, Schrank writes: “To the people of the United
               States: In a dream I saw President McKinley sit up in his coffin pointing at a

               man  in  a  monk’s  attire  in  whom  I  recognized  Theodore  Roosevelt.  The  dead
               president  said—‘This  is  my  murderer  ’—avenge  my  death.”  (6)  There  were
               indeed some Taft supporters who believed that the murder of McKinley in 1901,
               also  carried  out  by  a  deranged  “Red”,  was  part  of  a  plot  to  install  TR  as
               President.  This  event  makes  Taft  supporters  look  bad.  Schrank’s  “dream”,
               coupled with TR’s whining about the “vicious attacks” against him, damages the
               Taft campaign while creating sympathy for the “wounded” and “tough” TR.
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