Page 220 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 220

                         NEW WORLD ORDER GANG RECAPTURES THE U.S.


               Understanding  that  popular  U.S.  President  William  Howard  Taft  would  never
               involve America in Rothschild’ schemes; the Globalists had recruited Woodrow
               Wilson,  a  Princeton  professor  who  had  been  rocketed  to  Governor  of  New
               Jersey, then to Democrat nominee for President.

               To  steal  Republican  votes  from  Taft,  ex-President  Roosevelt  runs  as  the
               Progressive  Party  candidate  (aka  Bull-Moose).  The  divide  &  conquer  trick
               works. Due to TR's meddling; Wilson wins with just 41% of the vote.

               After decades of strategic political preparation, the New World Order now has
               7 major goals its wants to achieve in the coming decade, and the right puppet in
               the White House to do it: 1. Establish a Central Bank in the U.S.

               2. Impose an Income Tax on America so that State debt to the Central Bank can
               be collateralized with human labor 3. Trigger the long planned Triple Entente-
               Triple Alliance war to reshape Europe 4. Entangle the U.S. in the coming war
               and World Organization 5. Finish off Russia and convert the Eurasian giant into
               a Red tyranny 6. Establish a World Political Body under the pretext of "world
               7. Carry out Herzl's plan to steal Palestine from the Turks and Arabs.
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