Page 53 - Planet Rothschild. Volume 1 : the forbidden history of the new world order, 1763-1939
P. 53

After  a  string  of  stunning  victories,  France  establishes  itself  as  the  leading

               continental power of Europe and builds alliances of its own. Napoleon is now
               ‘larger  than  life’  –  a  development  which  has  the  British  and  NWO  types

                               NAPOLEON TRIUMPHS AT THE BATTLE OF


               On the first anniversary of his coronation, Napoleon defeats Austria and Russia
               at Austerlitz. This ends the Third Coalition War against him. To commemorate
               the victory, Napoleon commissions the ‘Arc de Triomphe’.

               Austria has to concede territory. The subsequent Peace of Pressburg leads to the
               dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and creation of the Confederation of the

               Rhine with Napoleon named as its Protector. Napoleon later states, "The battle
               of     Austerlitz     is    the     finest    of     all    I    have      fought."     (18)

                         The famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris commemorates Austerlitz.

                             RUSSIA'S CZAR AND NAPOLEON MAKE PEACE
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