Page 112 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 112

September 6, 1977

                            MEMORANDUM FOR

                                                       THE HONORABLE TERENCE A. TODMAN
                                                       ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE FOR
                                                         INTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS

                            CongrvifSMn Heavy Wanmaxt «I CaUierai* baa brought to our attention
                            the bet that a relative ei eee of hie aeaetltutat^ Alejenro Seateh,
                           wee allegedly HUtaapped by the Argentine secret police along with his
                            eatlre family (hie wife, Helene, and three daughter#). According fee
                            Cwgttttnan Waaoaaa, AJtejeare Deuteh ie art political it any way*
                           but ie Jewish. He i« aa air conditioner manafeeturert hit wife is
                           a pediatrician. Mr. Dent eh is reportedly a diabetic which leads his
                           family to have great concern about his health.

                            Congressman Waaman wanted the subject raised with the Argentinian
                           delegation during their visit here. Z understand that Pat Darien has
                           also been informed of tisds case. We believe it would be useful if
                           you could pursue it at aa appropriate level with the Argentinian dele­
                           gation. and we would appreciate receiving a report of their response
                           so that Congressman Waxman could be appropriately Informed*

                                                                   David Aaron
                                                                   Deputy Assistant to the President
                                                                      for National Security Affairs

                           act Pet Darien
                                 Coordinator for Human Right* sad
                                    Humanitarian Affairs, Office of the
                                   Deputy Secretary of State

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