Page 165 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 165
^Gow-i-'iLitvriAr May 1, 1979
SUBJECT: Evening Report (U)
Rhodesia. Have spent quite a lot of time talking to Hill
staffers about the Rhodesia sanctions situation. There
seems little question at this time that we would lose a vote
to retain sanctions. The best intelligence we can get now
is that Helms is going to offer an amendment to lift on the
first legislative day after the British elections, i.e.,
May 7. At this point, if we are going to avoid a total loss
we need to do some heavy lobbying at least to get time for
the SFRC to hold hearings. This is the strategy that worked
on the House side. Funk and I will be sending you a separate
memo assessing the situation. (C)
Panama. I don't know what Rick is doing up there but Church
is becoming more difficult. Today he voted against aid to
Panama, stating that toll revenues would be high enough to
take care of any development problems. The language in the
bill is not a prohibition — the funds were cut, however. (C)
In addition, funds were cut for El Salvador and Paraguay.
The overall aid levels are $10 million below last year —
and we can expect more on the floor. (C)
Chile and Argentine Restrictions. Spent a ridiculous amount
of time working out language to respond to Zorinsky's proposal
to add a Presidential waiver to language prohibiting aid to
Argentina and Chile. State human rights was concerned lest
we give the wrong signals about our human rights policy. At
the end of the day, with David's help, I think we have it
resolved. We recommend removing all country specific
restrictions. (U)
Review on May 1, 1985. E.O.I352B
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