Page 2 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
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No Objection to Declassification in.Part.2010/06/28 : NLC-10-14^5-13-6........................ ..........
MTN. Alan Wolff and I reviewed various MTN issues today.
He agreed that we are doing better with the LDCs in the
negotiations on tariffs than in the talks on codes. Getting
the major LDCs in the trade codes will be difficult, but
critical to success of the negotiations and Congressional
approval of the MTN package. Wolff has also made what I
feel are unpalatable proposals regarding LDC;graduation:.
from the Generalized System of Preferences. He proposes a
TPRG discussion of the Preferences issue and I suggested
that he add LDC code negotiations to the agenda. (C)
Colombo Plan. Possible high-level participation in the
December Colombo Plan meetings here in Washington and the
central place to be given at the meetings to basic human
needs policies add significance to that forthcoming event.
Because of the moderation of..the NAM's Belgrade
on bhn we may be able to advance toward greater LDC understanding
of a broad BHN approach. I will provide BHN material and
guidance regarding last year's PRC decision to those who are
preparing for the meeting.- fC) - -...........1---
Hunger Commission. Lynn Daft, Peters, and DuSault (0MB),
and I discussed NSC/DPS cooperation in back- stopping the
Linowitz Commission on World Hunger. Daft and I agreed on
an approach to the statement , announcing the .Commission'.and
on the means of managing the transition from Peter Bourne to
Henry Owen as White House "point man.” (U)
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/06/28 : NLC-10-14-5-13-6