Page 4 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 4
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/06/28*: NLC-10-14-5-13-6
A. «
Daily Activities (Pastor) August 25, 1978
Yesterday, I attended the organizing meeting for PRM-41 on Mexico.
The level of attendees was quite high, and all clearly under
stood the importance of our relationship with Mexico and the
need for developing a coherent strategy. Also met with Benson
Ford and his colleagues and gave them a briefing of our policy ____
to Latin America with special emphasis on: Mexico, where Ford ..
is very interested in investing.
Last night, I attended a seminar involving Gen. Lanusse, former
President (1969-73) of Argentina. Lanusse urged the largely
American audience to understand the "Argentina reality," and
to loosen up the human rights policy or risk a nationalist
reaction. Qne Professor of Argentina history used a marvelous
quote from Lanusse himself that you cannot beat terrorism with
government-sanctioned violence.- Lanusse'admitted Argentina had
"gone wrong somehow;" he did not have*any kind words for Videla.
Vaky thinks that Videla is currently debating whether to receive
him, and he believes we shouldn't push at this time. I urged him
to try to put together an overall strategy paper on U.S. policy.
On Nicaragua, I relayed the message from Reg and Bill Odom to
Vaky that we should go in quietly to the Panamanians and State
our concern with the Sandinistas-within the-overall context of
our global anti-terrorist policy. Perez and Torrijos have
both publicly tried to justify their involvement by stretching
the principle of non-intervention beyond its legitmate limits.
After hearing some, other diatrubing reports aboutthe-Sandinistas.
and speaking to David, I have set up a CIA briefing on this
subject on Monday and an inter-agency meeting on U.S. policy on
Tuesday. Jonathan Steele of the Manchester Guardian and
Richard Valeriani of CBS called for background briefing on the
Nicaraguan situation. I saw Valeriani on CBS/s-raorning show,
and he got the story right.
Vaky recommends at least a one week delay on a.Presidential
response to Mrs. Chamoro's letter, .and IKconcur.
Puerto Rico is causing concern. Cleaned off with Henry on a
press release which Andy Young may issue on Monday re
stating our full support for self-determination. The problem
is that the Committee looks about evenly splitour": Puerto
Ricans may hold the balance in their hands, but they're
playing hard ball. They told USUN that if we continue to
aim for deferral, we will hear the word "colonial" all day
long. They may be prepared to compromise on ’a consensus
statement — not necessarily inscribed — which urges the
Committee to continually review the issue. I will follow
this closely over the weekend.
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/06/28 : NLC-10-14-5-13-6