Page 9 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 9


                               turned on Martin Garcia and then on Almlrante Brown* Then they
                               realized 1 was watching the road, so they pressed my head down
                               on the legs of the one alongside me, and pointed a revolver at
                               me. After travelling at high speed for about 20 minutes, we
                               arrived at our destination* The car stopped and they made me
                               get out and walk about 30 meters* Others came and asked why
                               they did not  bring the         car In. - They answered the lights
                               weren't working and that the hlghbeams-were on and they were
                               hot going to  enter with  the hlghbeams on. We entered a
                               building with a very large door (a garage door, or perhaps,
                               much bigger). From the little I was able to see, there was a
                               very large room with no one in It. They took me down a spiral
                               staircase to a  basement.       There they told me to close my eyes
                               and they put a  very tight  blindfold, with elastic In the back,
                               on me, which Immediately gave me an Intense headache. They
                               handcuffed me and shackled my feet together by a chain with
                               padlocks on both shackles. Thy were very tight and had sharp
                               edges. Then they took me to a kind of cell. The place was
                               full of these cells. In other words, they were small rooms
                               made of pressed board or cardboard, with chairs and a small
                               desk in them. They left me there for a while, and I could hear
                               that they were Interrogating my husband in the cell on one
                               side, but I could not hear what they were saying.

                               The interrogation and the detention:             I was soon taken to
                               another room much further away, and they told me to remember
                               that my number was 103. After half an hour, someone entered
                               and asked me whether I was going, to say anything or whether I
                               preferred to have them take me in. I said that I knew
                               absolutely nothing. They began by asking me my name, I.D.
                               number, the name of my parents, brothers, and my husband, his
                               parents and brothers, and the date and place of my birth. They
                               left and after a while they returned and asked me to tell them
                               what my husband was doing In C6rdoba. I answered that, because
                               of his work as a physician, he had been in contact with
                               patients whose parents were prisoners, and a short while ago,
                               they had begun to ask him to help them with money, samples of
                               milk, etc. and I knew that he had only done that because he
                               always brought home cans of milk, used clothing, books and
                               other food for the prison. Then we decided to move to Buenos
                               Aires. At that point In the interrogation, other persons
                               entered. They attached no importance to me, and all of them
                               left. I began to feel totally exhausted and I slept sitting
                               up. When they returned, they asked me again for my I.D.
                               number. I actually couldn't remember because .1 felt so
                              .exhausted and I told them so. Then they left. After a while,
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