Page 319 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 319

No Objection To Declassification in

              MEMORANDUM FOR:             JESSICA TUCHMAN
                                          ROBERT KIMMITT

              FROM:                       ROBERT PASTOR

              SUBJECT:                    Security Assistance

              1. While I agree with State that security assistance to Uruguay should
              be eliminated and t-Ec Argentina reduced by half, I also agree with
              OMB's assessment that Congress will regard that as "tokenism" . I
              think the best way to reconcile the two positions, however, is not
              in asking State for alternatives but in asking it for a framework to
              justify these cuts, Since Argentina and Uruguay have two of the
              worst human rights records of all those Latin American nations
              receiving security assistance, I don't believe it should be especially
              difficult to justify these as opposed to other cuts.

              2. Jamaica Assistance. $31.5 million in supporting assistance will not
              be sufficient to realize the extravagant claims made by'the State Depart­
              ment like relieving their economic crisis or reversing the leftward drift
              of the government. But some assistance from the new Administration is
              essential to send a new signal to Jamaica, to other Latin American and
              Caribbean countries. and to the international community about Jamaica
              and about the U.S. It will indicate a new tolerance in U.S. foreign
              policy for ideological pluralism which will be well-received in the
              Caribbean and in the developing world. (And we should remember that
              Jamaica has a democratic government.) The U.S. does not need $31.5
              million to send a signal, however,' half of that would be sufficient.

                     If the U. S. were interested in improving relations with Jamaica,
                the worst thing it could do is begin a bilateral assistance program
                because before too long, we would raise unrealistic expectations in
                the U,.S. that we could transform their government at the same
                time that we aggravated nationalistic predispositions in Jamaica.
                Even worst would-be to use the money to try to get Jamaica to
                accept the IMF S t dsilization package because Jamaica will probably
                accept the package anyway arid because $31. 5 bdllion is not su fficafcnt
                to persu a;de them and would not be welcomed" as a reward for "good
                behavior. " For the moment, then, I woultf recommend that the
                President agree to grant only enough assistance to send a signal.
                A soft loan for a new hospital in Kingston would be perfect. At the
                same time, he should appoint a new Ambassador and make clear
               that we are undertaking a compreh ensive review of U.S. policy to
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