Page 322 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 322

■’          No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/08/02 : NLC-24-102-2-7-3 *ri  Add-on
                                           NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL

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                                        POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING
                                                     May 14, 1980

                  TIME AND PLACE:  10:30-11:15 a.m.; White House Situation Room

                  SUBJECT:                 Minutes — PRC Meeting on Argentina (C)
                                                                                                  ON-FILE COMMERCE
                                    OSD Review Completed                                          RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS
                  PARTICIPANTS                      "  '                                          APPLY

                  State                                              Energy
                  Warren Christopher, Dep.                           Woody Cunningham, Ass't.
                     Secretary                                          Secretary for Nuclear Energy
                  John Bushnell, Dep. Ass't.
                     Secretary                                       Arms Control and Disarmament
                                                                     Spurgeon Keeny, Dep. Director
                  Defense                                            Richard Williamson, Nuclear
                  W. Graham Claytor, Jr.,                               Exports Div. Chief, Bureau
                     Dep. Secretary                                  * of Nonproliferation
                  Frank Kramer, Principal
                     Dep. Ass't. Secretary                           Joint Chiefs of Staff
                                                                     Lt. General John Pustay
                  James Starkey, Dep.                                Central Intelligence
                     Under Secretary                                 Jack Davis, NIO for Latin America

                  Commerce                                           White House
                  Luther Hodges, Dep. Secretary                      David Aaron
                  Abraham Katz, Ass't. Secretary                     Henry Owen
                     for Internat. Economic Policy
                     and Research                                    National Security Council
                                                                     Thomas P. Thornton
               JCS review completed
                                                                     Robert Pastor

                  Bushnell began the meeting by discussing Argentinian relations
                  with the Soviet Union. He pointed out that the current government
                  is unlikely to get close to the Soviets and this provides a cer­
                  tain implicit limitation on the process of Soviet/Argentinian
                  ties. The Argentine Government is playing a short-term game in
                  the grain, trade and perhaps nuclear area. The only point of
                  contact between the Soviet Union and Argentina that raises
                  longer term concerns is a possible fishing agreement although

                                                                      .State Department review
                  SECRET                                                                          NSC review(s) completed
                  Review on May 14, 2000
                  Extended by Zbigniew Brzezinski
                  Reason for Extension:  NSC 1.13(e)
                                                                            Authority  L-C. - aA—'~2>
                                                                            NARA_££___ Date..

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