Page 330 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 330

No Objection To Declassification in :-ull 2012/12/12 : NLC-17-141-3-9-5

                                            NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL                                    3^

                                                        June 10, 1980


                    THROUGH                 CHRISTINE DODSON

                    FROM                    THOMAS THORNT^^'''”

                    SUBJECT:                M-B-B Lunch - Hidalgo (U)

                    We should turn off the Hidalgo atops in Argentina and Chile
                    for the following reasons:

                    1.  We do not want to deflect attention from Bdwdler's visit
                    to Argentina in July. This will be the key step in our policy
                    execution in the area and the Argentines should get no mixture
                    of signals. Another "symbolic" visit will not impress the

                    2.  It will be very hard to keep a visit to Chile from appear­
                    ing to be a gesture to make up for the UNITAS decisions. There
                    is no reason for us to apologize for that decision.

                    Note, by the way, that there is no substantive reason for
                    Hidalgo to go to Latin America and it diverts him from the
                    Caribbean area where such a visit could be useful . At least
                    the visit could be postponed.

                    If the decision is to go ahead, however, it is critically
                    important that Hidalgo be under close control from the
                    political side so that he correctly enunciates our policy.
                    Mechanically this would involve:                  (

                    1.  Thorough briefings from State and NSC.

                    2.  No contacts with Senior Argentine or Chilean officials
                          or the local press unless in the company of the Ambassador
                          or DCM.

                    3.  Perhaps a competent, Spanish-speaking Department officer
                          along on the trip.

                    Review on June 10, 1986

                                 No Obiection To Declassification in Full 2012/12/12 : NLC-17-141-3-9-5
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