Page 335 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 335

' No Objection To Declassification in Full 2012/11/23 : NLC-133-8-3-20-0

                                            THE SECRETARY OF STATE


                           ____       . _     ___ __________ February 1. 1980
                           DOS REVIEWED 10-Feb-2011: DECLASSIFIED FOR RELEASE IN FULL]


                  FROM:                        Cyrus Vance C¥^

                             1.  Harrlman Dinner for Fraser - l received a report
                  this morning about the dinner last night by Averell Harrlman for
                  Malcolm Fraser. Muskie made the observation that never
                  in his memory since the end of World War U had the country been
                  more unified behind the President as a result of die response
                  to the State of the Union. Glenn, while using more cautious language,
                  echoed the same sentiments.

                             2.  Argentina - I received a cable from Buenos Aires
                  this afternoon which reports a meeting between Foreign Minister
                  Pastor and our Ambassador. The Foreign Minister went out of
                  his way to scotch the rumors that the Argentinians were
                  backing off of the understandings reached with Andy. He said
                  that he had heard some of these rumors but they were not reliable.
                  Pastor indicated he would probably call m& in the next day or so
                  to let ub know the Argentinians are not backtracking, and that they
                  want to support and be with the United States.

                             3.  Rhodesia and the Security Council - In close cooperation
                  with the British, Don McHenry negotiated major changes in the
                  African draft resolution of January 31. Early this morning, London
                  requested a series of further changes and renewed its plea
                  that we vote '’No" if the UK does. McHenry reported that the
                  Africans are disposed to consider further alterations but that
                  they will remain firm on the paragraph condemning South African
                  intervention. We expect that something close to the present draft
                  will be tabled. Don believes that the text has been improved to the


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