Page 337 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 337

No Objection To Declassification in Full 2012/11/23 : NLC-133-8-3-20-0


                               6.  FRG Proposal for International Assistance to Turkey -
                    German Finance Minister Matthoefer gave Ambassador Sloes sei the
                    following FRG preliminary thinking on the International assistance
                    effort for Turkey: The FRG envisions a five-year program subject
                    to annual review but with a "big start" the first year. The total economi
                    assistance the FRG is contemplating as its contribution for 1980
                    Is $290 million (US FY-81 request for economic assistance is
                    $200 million). The US would have to exceed the FRG (perhaps by
                    $50 million) but this could be in the form of military assistance.
                    The FRG is also considering making a commitment for $347 million
                    in military assistance in 1980 (US FY-81 request for military
                    assistance is $250 million FMS). The FRG believes that three times
                    the combined US and FRG contributions (fan be elicited in the total
                    program. This would mean $3.5 billion in economic and military
                    assistance from all sources in 1980. Matthoefer wants to complete
                    the program by April,

                               7.  Victor Paknieri's Report - We have sent you Victor
                    Palmieri'B report on hts January trip to Southeast Asia,
                    which focuses on the Indochina Refugee program, and the
                    complex Kampuchean relief situation in particular. The report
                    makes clear that the food situation in Kampuchea is very likely to
                    take a major turn for the worse in early spring without more
                    effective distribution of the relief supplies now coming into the
                    country under the ICR C/UNICEF program. This could add to the
                    serious refugee pressures in Thailand. 1 commend the report to
                    your attention.

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