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        The Five-Year Gift

                                             Thus began a wonderful marriage      her chemotherapy regimen,” says
                                             as Kevin embarked on a career        Schraeder. “Maureen responded
                                             in banking and Maureen began         beautifully.” And with that, “four to
                                             teaching Kindergarten. Professional   six months” became five years.
                                             opportunities took them to New York,   Kevin doesn’t mince words when he
                                             Los Angeles, St. Petersburg, Florida,   explains why he generously supports
                                             Rochester and finally Baltimore,     UM St. Joseph: “What does five years
                                             where Kevin became active in the     mean? It means that Maureen got to
                                             city’s non-profit sector, serving on   hold three more grandchildren and
                                             the boards of Catholic Charities of   kissed our son Colin on his wedding
                                             Baltimore and Stevenson University,   day. Dr. Schraeder and the entire
                                             to name but a few. He and Maureen    Cancer Institute staff gave that gift
                                             raised three terrific children and life   to her. The care she received was
                                             was idyllic.                         phenomenal. Maureen was never

                                             But, in 2010, shortly after the     ‘a patient,’ but always ‘a person.’
         Maureen and Kevin Byrnes in 2004    marriage of their daughter, Meghan,   Her chemo appointments, every
         The leading-edge cancer             their lives took a drastic turn. When   two weeks for five years, were like
                                                                                  visits with old friends.  She loved
         treatment Maureen Byrnes            Kevin and Maureen came to the        everyone in the Cancer Institute
         received at the UM St. Joseph       Cancer Institute at UM St. Joseph, she   and they loved her back.”
                                             had recently received a devastating
         Medical Center Cancer               diagnosis of Stage IV metastasic     In July 2015, Maureen finally
         Institute gave Maureen              stomach cancer. Just 61 years old,   succumbed to her disease but family
         and her husband, Kevin,             Maureen was given only four to six   and friends think Maeve, the newest
         five more years together:           months to live. Enter hemotologist   grandchild, age three, is the spitting
         a priceless gift.                   and oncologist Richard Schraeder,    image of Maureen with her bright
                                             MD, who would not give up on the     blue eyes. “I’ll know for sure when
         They say Rome is the city of        warm, vibrant woman he saw before    I see that sparkle in her personality
         romance. In 1968, Pace University   him. “Maureen was very ill but we    that lights up a room, that makes
         senior Kevin Byrnes certainly found   decided to include Herceptin, a breast   everyone happier just being around
         this to be true during a summer     cancer drug that had shown promise   her,” Kevin smiles. “That was
         semester abroad where he met        in a recent stomach cancer trial, to   Maureen.”
         sophomore Maureen Knerr. He does
         not recall his studies as much as he   The Byrnes family
         does falling in love with Maureen and
         their magical semester in Rome. “I
         came back to earth when we returned
         to New York and found out I had to
         stand in line to be with Maureen,”
         laughs Kevin. “There were some
         other fellows back home who were
         just as crazy about this beautiful gal
         as I was. However, I was determined
         and, in the end, wore her down and
         we were married in 1970.”

      4  CELEBRATE THE ACT OF GIVING  |  Summer 2018
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