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        Paying Attention

                                            “And then I met Dr. Mackey. It’s hard to put into words how
                                             much he comforted me. In the midst of his recommendation

                                             for a treatment plan, he said: ‘I am going to take care of you
                                             the way I would care for my mother.’”

                                              In 2014, however, Elaine experienced   In December 2017, during the same
                                              her own kind of trauma when she     month Elaine was scheduled for hernia
                                              believed she might have pancreatic   surgery with Dr. Mackey, a routine
                                              cancer. Seeing a growth on her pancreas  mammogram revealed that she had
                                              in scans, her gastroenterologist referred   very early stage breast cancer. “I didn’t
         Elaine Witman with her grandchildren
                                              Elaine to Richard Mackey, MD, of the   think twice. I called Dr. Mackey in
         At UM St. Joseph Medical             UM St. Joseph Liver and Pancreas    tears. He responded immediately, ‘I
         Center’s Cancer Institute,           Center. “I was absolutely terrified,”   will take it from here.’ Dr. Mackey

         Elaine Witman finds the              she says. “Everything that you would   contacted Dr. Michael Schultz, the
         same loving care that has            expect me to be thinking, I was. And   medical director of the Breast Center at
                                              then I met Dr. Mackey. It’s hard to put
         been a hallmark of her               into words how much he comforted me.   St. Joe’s. Three days later, I met with
                                                                                  Dr. Schultz who was every bit as loving
         own career.                          In the midst of his recommendation for   and compassionate as Dr. Mackey. Of
                                              a treatment plan, he said: ‘I am going to
         For the past 30 years, Elaine Witman   take care of you the way I would care   course I wasn’t but I felt like I was Dr.
         has devoted her professional life to   for my mother.’”                  Schultz’s only patient. His eye contact
         helping victims of trauma, particularly                                  and the way he held my hand, I just
         children, who have suffered from abuse   Dr. Mackey operated on Elaine in   knew everything was going to be ok.”
         and neglect. To listen to her speak gives   July 2014, removed the growth on her   And it was. After a lumpectomy and
         one the comforting reassurance that   pancreas, and came to her room later to   radiation, Elaine is now cancer-free. “I
         Elaine is zealously looking out for    report: “Not only is it benign but it’s the   am thrilled that I can make gifts in
         the youth of our community with      most benign it could be!” Sweet words,   honor of these wonderful physicians,”
         passion and dedication. She is making    indeed. “He was as happy as I was,”   concludes Elaine.
         a difference.                        smiles Elaine.

                                                             The vision of the Cancer Institute is to be a preeminent,
                                                             creative and visionary cancer center of excellence, providing
         About the Cancer Institute                          the highest quality of cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis,
                                                             treatment and survivorship to patients in our community. As
                                                             a formal affiliate of the nationally renowned University of
                                                             Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive
                                                             Cancer Center, the UM St. Joseph Cancer Institute exists to
                                                             enhance quality and extend lives of our cancer patients in a
                                                             faith-based environment honoring our healing ministry.
                                                             For information on how to support the Cancer Institute at
                                                             UM St. Joseph Medical Center, please call 410-337-1397 or

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