Page 46 - How To Analyze People: 13 Laws About the Manipulation of the Human Mind, 7 Strategies to Quickly Figure Out Body Language, Dive into Dark Psychology and Persuasion for Making People Do What You Want
P. 46
scapegoat, that’s not a friend. That’s a manipulator. It’s your
fault, you made me think I should do it, I wouldn’t have done it if
you agreed it was a bad idea. The hallmark of a manipulative
“friend” is when somehow, you’re always in the mix and the one
made to feel like you’re in the wrong.
They’re Not Really Listening - Another sign you could be
manipulated is when they don’t really listen when you’re
speaking. They may look at you while you’re talking, but at the
first chance they get, they twist the conversation back around
unto something that involves them. Everything is always about
them. In fact, the only time they seem to be engaged in when
they’re gathering the information that they can later use against
you when the time is right. Beware of what you say when you’re
around them, and never trust them with confidential or important
They Come to You When They Need Something - Do you
have that one friend who only ever seems to get in touch with
you when they conveniently need a favor? That friend could be
manipulating you, especially if you’re the one who is constantly
doing those favors but when you need help the most, they’re
never around. Or they’ve always got some excuse up their sleeve
as to why they can’t help you. When they need something from
you however, they behave like you’re their best friend in the
whole world.
Clues That Indicate Your Partner May Be a Lying Manipulator
One of the worst sinking feelings you could feel is knowing that your
partner, the person whom you love and who supposedly loves you, turns out
to be using you for their own benefit all this time. A relationship is
supposed to be the one place where we believe we can receive the support,