Page 49 - How To Analyze People: 13 Laws About the Manipulation of the Human Mind, 7 Strategies to Quickly Figure Out Body Language, Dive into Dark Psychology and Persuasion for Making People Do What You Want
P. 49
and friends. They’ll resort to lies and sob stories about how hurt
they feel that you’ve neglected them when they needed you most
(even though that may not be true), and tell you that they feel
you’re always putting other people’s needs above theirs when
you claim that you love them. Their goal is to try and isolate you
from the other people in your life so you become totally
dependent on them, and the more you rely on them, the more
controlling power they have over you. They may not outright tell
you to stop spending time with other people, but rather they try
to subtly nudge you inch by inch away from your social circle
through the lies that spin to make you feel guilty about your
They Lie and Criticize - Every little thing you do is subject to
criticism when you’re with someone who is manipulative. The
worst part of it all is that they lie so convincingly when they tell
you they’re doing it because “they love you” or that “it’s for your
own good”. They will constantly criticize just about everything
that you do, the longer you continue to remain in a relationship
with them. They’ll criticize everything from the way you dress,
the way you talk, the things you say, the way you spend your
money, your passion, your hobbies, your interests, the decisions
you make, even when you suggest fun ways to spend quality
time together if it’s not something they want to do, they’ll find a
way to critique it. They’ll criticize you so often that you feel
incompetent and insecure enough that you no longer feel
comfortable making decisions without running it by them first.
They’re not trying to help you. They’re trying to undermine you.
They Create Mistrust - You may be the most completely honest
and trustworthy person there is, but a manipulator can make you
feel otherwise. As deeply in love as two people are, they are still
individuals in their own right and everyone is entitled to their
privacy. Unless you’re in a relationship with a manipulator that