Page 60 - How To Analyze People: 13 Laws About the Manipulation of the Human Mind, 7 Strategies to Quickly Figure Out Body Language, Dive into Dark Psychology and Persuasion for Making People Do What You Want
P. 60
and one of the biggest reasons why is that they view everyone else around
them as objects to be used. To the narcissist, you exist for no other reason
other than to serve their needs and that is it. They will never stop to think
twice about taking advantage of you, only to discard you when you no
longer serve any useful purpose to them. They can be both malicious and
oblivious at the same time, blinded mostly by their own self of entitlement.
They are incapable of thinking how their actions could have consequences
on everyone else, even if you were to point it out to them, they’ll simply
dismiss and refuse to believe you.
The narcissist will demean you, bully you and belittle you if it means
they’re going to get their way. If they feel threatened by you or perceive
you as trying to “push back” against them, they resort to putting you down
to inflate their already inflated ego. In their mind, this is how they
neutralize their “enemies”, by stomping on them until they feel too insecure
to rise up and challenge them in any way. Threats, bullying, insults,
shaming, dismissiveness, and ridicule are just some of the many tactics they
will employ in an attempt to get you back in line and put you in your place.
Manipulators and Their Covert-Aggressive Personalities
When it comes to aggression, there are two categories they could fall into.
They either resort to overt-aggression or covert-aggression. When someone
is obvious, direct and open in the manner with which they choose to stand
up or fight back, that’s over-aggression. This is a category the manipulator
is unlikely to fall into since they never want anyone to know what they’re
really up to. No, a manipulator prefers to go with the second option, which
is covert-aggression, a method which allows them to be deceptive, subtle
and underhanded enough to hide their true intentions. However, a very