Page 65 - How To Analyze People: 13 Laws About the Manipulation of the Human Mind, 7 Strategies to Quickly Figure Out Body Language, Dive into Dark Psychology and Persuasion for Making People Do What You Want
P. 65
you like, but close enough. The kind of mind control that subtly goes
unnoticed most of the time is the kind of mind control that is taking place
all around us every day. It’s the influence.
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, a book written in the 1980s by
researcher Dr. Robert Cialdini highlights several different scientifically
proven methods and principles which are used to influence others, along
with several suggestions as to how to go about doing it. Since it was
written, it has become among the most important books in the marketing
world, and businesses use these tactics all the time in trying to sell their
products to consumers. Mind control isn’t about magic powers or having
any kind of supernatural knowledge at all. In fact, mind control at its most
basic form exists in the form of marketing and advertising, something
which all of us are exposed to every day. On a more personal level, mind
control techniques are tapped into by manipulators to control everyone else
around them when they try to dictate the outcomes in their favor.
Mind control techniques exist all around us, once we open our eyes and
start looking around. Advertising and marketing is just one form of subtle
mind control. Another big one that has most of the world addicted to it on a
daily basis is social media. Facebook has successfully built its global
empire which boasts 1.6 billion users who are actively participating on this
platform and counting, and yet hardly any of the users are likely to realize
how Facebook has managed to amass that kind of power through subtle
mind control techniques, and one such technique is through inducing within
its users the fear of missing out on what’s happening. Humans have always
craved contact with other humans, and historically, we have never coped
with loneliness. Each and every one of us has a deep-seated desire to be