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A Matter of Survival

           The United Nations has done much useful work in this regard   operational arrangements for water cooperation in its reporting
           already, through its specialized agencies, funds and programs.   system. The complementarity of  SDG 6 and  transboundary
           Water is an important feature of the work of the World Bank, UNDP,   water cooperation should yield greater knowledge and better
           UNEP, FAO, UNESCO, WMO, ESCWA, UNECE and others in the UN   international cooperation in the global effort to improve
           system. Secretaries-General have consistently emphasized the   water management, and help to reduce tension and conflict
           importance of water cooperation – not only as a development   surrounding water issues. Other SDGs such as those concerned
           and environmental issue but also for conflict prevention. Much   with peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16) and the
           of this type of work is being done through regional initiatives   Global Partnership for Sustainable Development (SDG 17)
           such as the Lake Chad project, cooperation involving Niger,   contribute to the implementation of SDG 6.
           Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad, which is addressing the inter-
           related risks of increased insecurity and climate change.   The importance of all these efforts for the maintenance of
                                                              international stability and peace by governments, international
           These existing practices could be brought into a coherent policy   institutions and UN agencies, funds and programs must never be
           framework through the implementation of Agenda 2030 and,   underestimated. The role of civil society and non-governmental
           especially through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   organizations continues to grow. Experience has shown that
           SDG 6 on water and sanitation contains the aim of promoting   water management issues, which by definition affect people,
           Integrated Water Resources Management and transboundary   increasingly give rise to initiatives organized by civil society
           cooperation, and a comprehensive system of indicators is being   organizations of the people concerned. The actual manner in
           developed to monitor the implementation. This process should   which such civil society groups are involved in water management
           be used to strengthen the discussion on applying the principles   as stakeholders, as well the intensity of their involvement, varies
           of  International  Water  Law that  already offer  a platform for   from region to region, and from project to project.
           cooperation among states in the domain of transboundary water
           cooperation.                                       For example, although hydropower projects are recognized
                                                              as important mitigation and adaptation tools which decrease
           Reporting  mechanisms  of  international  treaties  for  carbon dioxide emissions and are a flexible source of renewable
           transboundary water cooperation (bilateral, regional and global)   energy, they also carry social and environmental costs. This has
           should also collect information relevant for the implementation   been strongly felt in the Danube River Basin which is shared by
           of SDG 6 and its specific targets. This is already the case for the   19 riparian countries and where roughly 300 large hydropower
           UNECE Water Convention which included reporting on indicator   plants (over 10 megawatts) and around 8000 smaller plants
           6.5.2 relating to the proportion of transboundary basins with   operate and have significantly modified the river system. At

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