Page 2 - Newsletter
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            1.  Mitini Scapes Launch
                                                                     a.  Increase in Authorized share Capital of the
        The Kshs. 1 Billion project, Mitini Scapes, that is located
                                                                         Company from Kenya Shillings Five Hundred
        within  the  774  Acre  project,  Migaa  Golf  Estate,  was
        officially launched on 20  February 2016. The ceremony           Million (Kshs. 500,000,000) to Kenya Shillings
                                                                         One Billion (Kshs. 1,000,000,000).
        was  presided  over  by  the  Kiambu  County  Deputy

        Governor. H.E. Gerald Githinji.
                                                                     b.  Listing of the Additional Shares on the Growth
                                                                         Enterprise Market Segment of the Nairobi
                                                                         Securities Exchange.

                                                                     c.  Raising Additional Capital through

                                                                         identification and negotiation with suitable
                                                                         investors to raise a maximum of Kenya Shillings

                                                                         Five Billion (Kshs. 5,000,000,000) by way of debt
                                                                         capital through the offer and issuance of
                                                                         convertible debt instruments to investors.

            2.  A New Board of Directors

        The  Company  got  a  new  Board  of  Directors  on  the

        retirement  of  some  board  members.  The  new  Board
        members are:

         Linus Gitahi (Chairman)            Peter Nduati

              Rachel Mbai                          Caroline Kigen

            3.   Annual General Meeting

        The Home Afrika Limited’s Annual General Meeting was
        held at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development,
        Nairobi on Thursday, 30  June 2016. The shareholders
        also passed three special business agenda items:
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