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P. 8

Informative Piece

          HOME AFRIKA: A Property

              Development Company

              Providing Homes for All

                           (By MarcoPolis)

        Interview with Dan Awendo - Managing Director of Home Afrika

        In Kenya, 60% of households are considered to be living in   Home Afrika seeks to create communities around Africa by
        inadequate  housing;  150,000  units  are  required  annually,   building  quality,  sustainable  and  affordable  housing.  How
        however  only  30,000  units  are  constructed.  What  is  your   would  you  describe  Home  Afrika’s  philosophy  and  what
        assessment of the country’s property development sector?   makes you different from the competition?

        In  recent  history, Kenya has  been  building  more  units  than   We are certainly not the only ones exploring this market. If
        before. Therefore, even though we are producing 30,000 to   you think about the large demand of 150,000 homes a year,
        35,000 units a year, we used to build much fewer units than   you’ll see that this cannot be done by a single company, not
        that,  maybe  half  that  number,  before  the  Year  2000.   only because we don’t have the resources, but also because
        The property development sector has only recently taken an   we  still  don’t  have  deeply  capacitated  construction
        upward trajectory.                                        companies that can deliver this number of units.

        There  aren’t  many  developers  in  the  market,  and  many  of   We need partnerships and companies working together to be
        them  focus  on  medium  and  high  income  property  sectors,   able to develop this number of units per year. At the end of
        and not on the low income sector, where most of the housing   the  day,  our  philosophy  revolves  around  providing  security
        demand  exists.  Middle  to  high  income  property  and   for  the  low  income  earner,  which  comes  from  owning  a
        commercial property sectors are quite well taken care of, but   home.  In  economies  like  Singapore,  a  majority  of  the
        there is still very low development. The main gap exists in the   population owns their homes, and it is said to increase their
        low  income  sector,  because  that  is  where  the  demand  for   productivity by 30% to 40%. That is the kind of productivity
        most of the 150,000 units a year exists.                  catalyst we would like to offer our own people.

        Home  Afrika  is  a  property  development  company       If we provide homes for all, we provide security for them and
        incorporated in 2008, founded on key principles of “homes   improve their capacity to produce, for themselves, for their
        for  all”  and  “economic  empowerment  through  home     families  and  for  the  society  at  large.  In  the  next  couple  of
        ownership”. Can you give us an overview of the company’s   years,  we  intend  to  narrow  our  focus  to  the  affordable
        history and its main areas of operation and projects?     housing and low-income housing space.

        We started as a group of friends who came together mainly   What are the most important projects you are working on at
        for  professional  reasons.  We  were  architects,  engineers,   the moment?
        financial experts and so forth. Individually, we were working
        in property development, but on a small scale. We thought of   Right now we have three (3) main projects:
        setting  up Home  Afrika to  create  much  more  value  and
        develop larger projects, with more capital funding. That was   The first one is Migaa, an integrated golf estate on a 774-acre
        our dream when we started out.                            land  parcel,  within  Kiambu  County.  The  project  features
                                                                  hospitality,  commercial  buildings,  shopping  malls,  a  sports
        Over  time,  even  though  we  had  spent  time  developing   complex and an 18-hole championship golf course. It is now
        different projects, we continued to keep our focus on “Homes   45%  complete.  We  still  have  a  lot  of  investment  to  do,
        for  all”.  “Homes  for  all”  means  that  we  are  targeting  the   particularly  in  infrastructure,  and  we  hope  to  succeed  in
        demand  space  that  is  not  being  covered  to  date.  That   fundraising by mid 2017 to complete this project. We expect
        demand is in the affordable housing and low income sector.   to provide approximately 4,000 households a place to work,
        We continue to reiterate that this is the area we really want   live and play by the end of 2018. The facility we are creating
        to spend our time on - our initial projects were aimed to help   within  Migaa  Golf  Estate  aims  to  provide  a  comprehensive
        us improve our resource base so that later we could focus on   lifestyle  for  medium  income  families.  This  is  currently  our
        our core business.                                        largest project.

                                                                  In  Kisumu,  we  have  a  96-acre  land  bank.  The  idea  is  to
                                                                  develop  a  convention  center,  a  four  star  hotel  and  housing
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