Page 4 - Potters Vessel - Vol 1, Jan 2018
P. 4
FINAL 2 - Jan 18_Potters Vessel - First draft 13/01/2018 18:08 Page 4
Editorial MAKE ME YOUR
“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves
servants to obey, … But God be thanked, ... but ye
have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine
which was delivered you. Being then made free
s individuals in various families,
from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness”
communities and nations, God has been (Rom 6: 16-18).
Aextremely gracious to us. We thank Him for
how far he has brought us.
As vessels in the hands of our Great Potter, God
desires that we become ‘vessels that are truly fit’ for
His purpose. His heart yearns for those that would They cannot because your testimony would be
be ‘still’ despite the ‘hurly burly’ of life to hear what “greater is He that is in me and He is more that he that
is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
He has to say to them. He delights in vessels who
keep ‘still’ whilst undergoing the ‘bashing process of
re-shaping’ their destinies to suit Heavens’ purposes. Another songwriter cries out:
Would you surrender your heart, will, desire, “Sit on the throne of my heart and rule forever;
emotions and power to Him in humility? I’ll do what You ask me to do”.
Would you make Him your priority?
Beloved, it is time to re-invite and re-install JESUS
Would you ask Him to, on the throne of our hearts. We need to be still and
do whatever He instructs us. That is the beginning
“Make me a captive, Lord, of being a vessel that is truly fit for God’s purpose
And then I shall be free. and genuinely making a positive impact in this
Force me to render up my sword, generation.
And I shall conqueror be.
I sink in life’s alarms May we continually be in the presence of God and
When by myself I stand; enjoy the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit that will
Imprison me within Thine arms, daily re-align us to God’s purpose for our existence,
And strong shall be my hand.” especially as we forge ahead throughtout 2018 and
beyond, Amen.
How wonderful would it be if you take upon yourself
the yoke of Jesus and become His prisoner?
Imagine the inner peace you would enjoy if you abide Fellow seekers of the TRUTH,
daily by His words!
The Potter’s Vessel
How then, would satan, his agents, tactics or works
overpower you?
The Potter’s Vessel 4